Group Students in Campus

Los Angeles Harbor College Mission

Los Angeles Harbor College serves our diverse community by providing access to associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic and workforce development, and adult and noncredit instruction. We promote equity, diversity, and student success through academic programs and support services that ensure our students become productive members of a global society.


Harbor College provides a stimulating learning environment that prepares members within the community to meet goals and opportunities successfully.


Student Success, Excellence, Integrity, A Supportive Environment, Personal and Institutional Accountability, and Civic Responsibility.

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

  • ISLO 1 - Communication: Use oral, written, and non-verbal modes of expression appropriate to the audience and purpose.
  • ISLO 2 - Cognition: Use critical thinking skills and quantitative reasoning to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and information to interpret real world information in the context of a discipline.
  • ISLO 3 - Information Literacy and Technological Competency: Utilize technology for research and learning skills necessary to achieve educational, professional, and personal objectives.
  • ISLO 4 - Social Responsibility and Ethics: Demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for others by promoting equity, diversity, and success by participating as responsible citizens that empower self, others, and the community.

Strategic Educational Master Plan Goals (SEMP)

  • Goal 1 - Access and Preparation for Success: Improve equitable access; help students attain important early educational momentum points.
  • Goal 2 - Teaching and Learning for Success: Strengthen effective teaching and learning by providing a learner-centered educational environment; help students attain their goals of certificate and degree completion, transfer, and job training and career placement; increases equity in the achievement of these outcomes.
  • Goal 3 - Organizational Effectiveness: Improve organizational effectiveness through data-informed planning and decision-making, process assessment, and professional development.
  • Goal 4 - Resources and Collaboration: Increase and diversify sources of revenue in order to achieve and maintain fiscal stability and to support District initiatives. Enhance and maintain mutually beneficial external partnerships with business, labor, and industry and other community and civic organizations in the greater Los Angeles area.