Welcome Seahawks!!!
ASO is always seeking to enhance student life and build a strong campus community through programs and activities.
Participation is student government is a great way to be involved on campus! Please browse our pages to learn more about the exciting opportunities that await you as an active member of the Associated Student Organization (ASO).
Come meet with us!
The ASO Student Senate will reconvene starting Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, in the Senate Conference room located on the 2nd floor of the Student Union Building (SU 215).
All students and members of the public are welcome to attend and participate in the meetings.
ASO Updates:
For any ASO related questions, please visit the Student Activities Office in SU 203.
Spring In-Person Office hours: M-Th 9:00am-3pm
ICC meetings will resume the fourth week of our Spring 2025 semester. NOTE: ICC meets every other week.
To attend the meetings please visit the Student Senate Conference room in SU 215.
Join In-Person
Thank you for visiting our site. We will continue to update you with any changes, activities and/or events. Stay safe and healthy!
We hope you join us in building a stronger campus.