Honors Transfer Program
The Honors Transfer Program is a cooperative effort between Los Angeles Harbor College and our partner colleges and universities. It is intended to serve students interested in a challenging curriculum designed to prepare them for transfer to a research university. Students who complete the honors program requirements will receive priority consideration for admission to our partner colleges and universities. Specific admission criteria for each partner college or university is available at the Honors Transfer Council of California and the UCLA Transfer Alliance Program.
- Enriched coursework designed in cooperation with university faculty for preparation to succeed in a research university environment
- Specialized academic and personal counseling
- Priority consideration and transfer agreements with partner colleges and universities
- Special opportunities for artistic, cultural and educational events
- Admission into transfer partner honors programs through Honors-to-Honors transfer agreements
- Assistance with all aspects of the transfer and application process
- Eligibility for honors designated scholarships
- Opportunity to publish and present at statewide Honors Research Symposiums
- FIRST-YEAR STUDENT: Graduated from High School with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above
- If GPA is below a 3.0, you must have completed an Honors or AP course during your Junior or Senior year of high school.
- CONTINUING STUDENT: Current LAHC student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in at least 12 or more transferable college units, but no more than 30 completed transferable units. Must have also received a B grade or higher in ENGLISH 101.
Interested in joining the Honors Transfer Program?
Email @email & include the following:
- Subject line: Joining HTP
- LAHC Student ID #
- Contact information (LACCD email, phone #)
- Unofficial transcripts/AP credits (if applicable)
Counseling Appointment Update
Meet with the Honors Transfer Program Counselor
To schedule a counseling appointment with the Honors Counselor, Natalie Parra, visit this link https://laccd.craniumcafe.com/parranr