Adult and Community Education
Adult Education Resources Every Student Counts! We're dedicated to providing the support and resources you deserve.
Noncredit Class Schedule
See all available classes. To learn more about each program, visit the program pages below.
Adult Education Counseling
Ready to shape your educational journey? Book an academic counseling appointment now and unlock your full potential with tailored support and advice.
Basic Needs Center
At the LAHC Basic Needs Center, we offer a welcoming space where students can access case management services and a wide range of resources, both on and off-campus
Discover the CalWORKs Program at LAHC, which provides educational support to parents in a welfare-to-work program.
Dream Resource Center
Discover the Dream Resource Center, which is committed to creating access and increasing retention of undocumented students at LAHC.
Special Abilities Support
Discover the Disabled Student Programs and Services at LAHC, where we are committed to meeting the unique needs of students.
Download our schedule
Summer/Fall PDF Available Now for download
Economic and Workforce Development (EWD)
Adult Education is one of the many programs led by EWD, learn more about our division's services.
Noncredit Programs
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the frequently asked questions.
Are your classes FREE?
Noncredit classes are free — with no registration or enrollment fees, proof of residency or prerequisites. Most noncredit classes are open entry/exit and may be repeated as many times as needed to progress to the next level.
I am a student interested in your programs and classes, but I don’t live in California, what do I need to?
Noncredit Adult Learners must be living in California. If you're an out-of-state student, please visit for schools in your area.
What is the difference between noncredit and credit classes?
When you take credit classes, you are typically working toward a degree or certification. Noncredit classes are designed to develop skills through short-term training, and you will receive either a pass or no pass grade at the end of the course. There are tuition fees associated with credit classes. Noncredit classes are free of charge.
Is financial aid available for noncredit courses?
No. Federal Financial Aid is not available for noncredit classes. Noncredit classes are tuition free. Students are responsible for the purchase of books and supplies. Financial aid is not available for these materials.
Are there grades in noncredit course?
Yes. Grading options for noncredit classes include:
Pass (P) = Satisfactory completion of course
No Pass (NP) = Did not complete course satisfactorily
Satisfactory Progress (SP) = Satisfactory progress towards completion of course
Why should a student take noncredit courses or a noncredit certificate program?
Noncredit classes assist students seeking to improve Math or English proficiency, increase literacy and job skills, prepare for college-level courses and advance employability.
Can noncredit classes be transferred to another college?
No units are earned in noncredit courses and, therefore, are not designed for transfer to secondary institutions, nor do they apply toward a degree.
Are noncredit vocational certificates recognized in the industry?
Yes. Many of these certificates are favorably recognized by their respective industries, and are frequently used as a valid signifier of professional advancement.
Can undocumented community members take noncredit courses?
Yes, undocumented community members can take noncredit courses. The noncredit CCC Apply college application does not ask for residency status. The hours earned in noncredit courses can count toward an individual's AB 540 status. Contact the college’s Admissions and Records office for more information.
Can I take courses if I do not have a high school diploma or equivalent?
Yes, all community members can take noncredit courses. However, we strongly encourage all students to complete their high school diploma or earn a GED. High school equivalency classes and testing are available at LAHC Adult and Community Education.