Los Angeles Harbor College Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

The Behavioral Intervention Team was created to serve as a central network for the behavioral situations which raise concerns for the safety of the students or others. The multidisciplinary team focuses on intervening in situations involving students who are experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behavior. Early and prescriptive intervention is key to preventing the occurrence of a major crisis.


The of the Behavioral Intervention Team is to coordinate the access of support services of Los Angeles Harbor College in order to assist persons who have reportedly displayed troublesome or concerning behaviors on campus to increase student success and campus safety.


The purpose of a Behavioral Intervention Team is to serve as a central network for the behavior situations which raise concerns for the safety of students or others. The multidisciplinary team focuses on intervening in situations involving students who are experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behavior. Early and prescriptive intervention is the key to preventing the occurrence of a major crisis.

BIT Members

  • Dr. Luis Dorado, Vice President of Student Services
  • Mercy Yañez, Student Services Dean
  • Dr. Thamizhchelvi (Chelvi) Subramaniam, Academic Affairs Dean
  • Dawn Reid, Student Services Dean
  • Deputy Lawrence Laughlin, Sheriff
  • Dr. Azeb Bhutia, Life Skills Center Interim Clinical & Training Director

  • Amarylles Hall, Special Programs & Services Director
  • Carole Stevenson, Health Center
  • Joy Fisher, Counseling Center
  • Dean Dowdy, Athletic Program Director/Faculty
  • Peggy Loewy-Wellisch, Financial Aid

What Should You Report?

  • Anger and rage
  • Anxiety, depression
  • Direct threat of harm to self and/or others
  • Hysterical or emotional outbursts
  • Suicidal threat
  • Hopelessness, desperation
  • Impulsive or rash behaviors
  • Bullying
  • Delusional or paranoid speech
  • Constant frustration
  • Vague or unclear threats
  • Yelling or disrespectful actions
  • Extremely odd behavior
  • Substance abuse

And many other behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment or pose harm to students or others

Assess the Risk

Mild: Disruptive or concerning behavior. Student may or may not show signs of distress. No threat made or present
Moderate: More involved or repeated disruption. Behavior more concerning. Likely distressed or low-level disturbance.
Elevated or Severe: Seriously disruptive incident.

If there is a threat of harm to themselves or others, Call Sheriff’s Office (310) 233-4600 immediately.

For Title IX situations, please contact:

Title IX Coordinator: Mercy Yanez
Dean, Student Services
Phone: (310) 233-4342
Email: @email
LAHC Title IX webpage

Title IX is about gender equity in education. This means not discriminating on the basis of sex and includes sexual harassment and sexual assault that are forms of sexual misconduct. This also includes treating people equitably regardless of sexual orientation or expression, and/or possible transgender identity.

Also Reportable

Non-urgent, information only
Social Services Needs (i.e., Housing, Food insecurity, etc.)

Reporting Cycle

  • Report is submitted.
  • BIT acknowledges receipt of report via email.
  • BIT meets and develops a plan of action.
  • BIT follows-up with the referring party.