Welcome Center (SSA-118)
Welcome Center: Services
Enrollment/Admissions and Records Office
Application Completion "Credit/Noncredit"- (How to apply to LAHC-Video)
Add/Drop Courses- (Class Search and Enroll-Video)
Navigation Your LACCD Student Portal Account "LA Harbor College"
- (Student Homepage Overview-Video)
Canvas Account Navigation- (Log Into Canvas for LACCD Students-Video)
Assistance Logging to Cranium (online services-Counseling, etc.)
K-12 Dynamic Form Access (Student Portal)
Enrollment for Noncredit Courses (ESL, Civics, GED, etc.)
Financial Aid
Assistance to Completing the FAFSA/CA Dream Act
Assistance with Financial Aid SAP Appeal Requirements
Assistance with Searching for Scholarships in the Student Portal (SIS)
Technical Support
Password Reset for Student Portal (Student Account)- (Login after Password Reset-Video)
Assistance with Obtaining Student ID Number (Portal Search)
Referrals to Reset FAFSA/CA Dream Act Password Via Hotline
General College Information
L.A. College Promise
Referrals to Additional Departments
Campus Map and Driving Directions (Here)
Welcome Center
LAHC Counseling Live Chat Option
You can also use the "Live Chat" option by selecting "Online Counseling" on the LAHC Homepage.
Various departments are available to help answer your questions via "Live Chat".
Stay safe and healthy!