Students in Classroom

Foster and Kinship Care Education


Welcome to the Foster & Kinship Care Education Program

Our Mission
The Foster & Kinship Care Education Program provides quality education and support activities that is mandated by the State of California to the caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the medical, educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth.

Our Values
We value our caregivers in assisting them with their education, success, supporting environment, and receiving the best outcome from our program. In doing so, we provide our caregivers with certificates of completion after successfully participating in our various trainings.

Our program is designed with Foster and Kinship Care providers in mind, helping to bridge the gap between questions and answers.

All FKCE workshops are FREE and open to the community.

Why is FKCE important?
The number of children in California's foster care system has grown by more than 50% from 68,000 to 105,000. The dramatic increase in the state's foster care population has been attributed to many factors-there are a great number of children living in poverty, increasing numbers of parents who abuse alcohol and drugs and increasing cases of child abuse and neglect. The FKCE program plays a vital role in providing licensed foster parents and relative caregivers with the training and education that will help them in meeting the multifaceted and often complex needs of the foster children in their care.

*NOTE: DUE TO COVID-19, ALL CLASSES FOR ARE BEING OFFERED ONLINE THROUGH “ZOOM”. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

** Debido a COVID-19, los cursos se ofrecen por la red (internet) usando el programa de “ZOOM”. Si tiene alguna pregunta o duda, favor de llamarnos

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SCI/ SCI Training?
    • SCI (Specialized Care Increment) is the new curriculum that replaces D & F Rate as of July 1, 2021.
  • How many hours is the SCI Training and how do I find them?
    • The SCI training is 2 parts- (1) 12 hour core training which is broken down in 3 days. (Must attend all 3 days) & (2) choose any SCI Specialized topic workshop (Must be 4 hours) The total SCI Training will be 16 hours!
  • How many renewal training hours do I need each year?
    • RFA Renewal= 8 hours; W-rate= 4hours; and SCI Renewal= 6 hours
  • What classes do I take to renew my current D & F rate?
    • You will now take classes labeled as SCI Specialized Topic
  • How do I know if I am or when it is time to convert to LOC/SCI?
    • Your CSW will request an LOC/SCI assessment when you either receive a new placement, or when it is time for your annual D or F rate reassessment, whichever happens first.
  • When can I take the SCI training?
    • You can begin taking the SCI training now, you do not have to wait for your CSW to initiate the LOC protocol. The training will assist you with being prepared for the conversion. Here is a link to the LA County Colleges' FKCE Schedules so you may find a class that fits your schedule:

Calendar of Activities

Office Hours

Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4405
Text: (562) 726-3756

Roxana Roxana, Program Coordinator