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What is the Harbor Advantage Program?

Harbor Advantage is a student support program that aims to provide Los Angeles College Promise students with resources to remove barriers throughout their college journey-starting with free tuition for two years!
Our team is committed to helping first-year students (Harbor Promise) and second-year students (Harbor Success) achieve their educational goals.
We call both years combined 'Harbor Advantage' because we aim to provide students with college survival skills that will ensure an advantage in their journey to higher education.
Interested in joining Los Angeles College Promise? Click here to fill out the Los Angeles College Promise Application.

First Year Harbor Promise Students

1.    Apply to Los Angeles Harbor College
2.   Submit the 2024-25 Financial Aid Application (FAFSA or CA Dream Act + AB540)
3.  Submit the Early Decision: Los Angeles College Promise Application
4.  Attend an Early Decision Registration Event to:
        - Complete the New Student Orientation
        - Meet with a Counselor to develop a Student Education Plan
        - Enroll in a Summer Bridge Counseling Course
        - Enroll as a full-time student (12+units) for fall 2023 and spring 2024
                (Exception: student with IEP and/or 504 plan that are enrolled in the SPS Program)

Second Year Harbor Success Students

1.  Submit the 2024-25 Financial Aid Application
2. Enroll as a full-time student (12+ units) for fall 2023 and spring 2024
       (Exception: Students with IEP and/or 504 plan that are enrolled in the SPS Program)
3. Maintain good academic standing by:
    Completing a minimum of 18 units by the start of the Fall semester of second year.



First Generation College Student Event

 Creative Contest Participant/Winner

Cristian Magana






















