Enrollment Verification

Enrollment verification proves to third parties that you are enrolled as a student at LAHC. There are many situations in which you may need to prove your student status, for example, when applying for a job, deferring student loans or seeking insurance discounts. If you completed all requirements, but your degree has not yet posted and you have an urgent need for documentation to receive a job offer or graduate school admission, contact your college office and request a certification letter stating your degree requirements are met.

To Request Verifications, Students can do the following:

Order Online

Official Enrollment Verifications can be requested through Parchment Credentials​. Through Parchment Credentials, requests can be sent via paper mail or electronically.

Click here to request through Parchment Credentials

Order in Person

Students can come to the Admissions and Records office and order verification to be delivered directly to the recipient or to pick up their verification in person. If you are ordering on the student's behalf, please have a signed proxy form to process request, no exceptions.

Please note the following for pickup orders:

  • A valid photo ID must be presented at the time of ordering.
  • Fees for verification must be paid at the campus Business Office
  • A third party (Proxy) can pick up a transcript on a student's behalf. The specified Proxy must be able to provide a valid photo ID.

Order Via Mail

If you wish to mail in your verification request, you may mail in a request for verification that includes the following information:

  • Full First Name
  • Last Name
  • Other Last Name (if attended under other name)
  • Student ID number or Social Security number
  • Date of Birth​
  • Current Address
  • Phone Number
  • Where the verification is being mailed to
  • Signature

Send appropriate payment (if not requesting first two free verifications), sign the request, and mail it to:

Los Angeles Harbor College
Admissions and Records-Transcript Request
1111 Figueroa Place
Wilmington, CA 90744

Enrollment Verifications

Specific forms, with attachments, or letters of non-enrollment

If students have an enrollment verification request for the Admissions Office that requires a specific form to be filled out, an attachment to be included, or a letter of non-enrollment, students may request for verification by filling out the Enrollment Verification form and submitting the request (with the attachment, if necessary) using the following methods:

  • Via Admissions' General Email: @email
  • Via Mail

Third-Party Requestor

If you are a third party who needs to verify a student's enrollment or degree, enrollment verifications can be requested via the following methods:

Processing Times

LAHC provides two processing times for an enrollment verification.

  • Regular verification processing: within 5-7 business days
  • Rush verification processing: the next business day

Verification Fees

  • The first two (2) regular Verifications are made available for free.
  • Regular Verification: $3.00
  • Rush Verification: $10.00