Students with Diploma

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to assure academic quality, institutional effectiveness and institutional integrity in achieving the college mission which is​ the success of our students.

This website provides access to the work our office does to enhance institutional effectiveness at the College. This includes our work in outcomes research, assessment processes, enrollment management, program review, planning, accreditation, Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP), matriculation, and other projects which support Accreditation, college planning, assessment and operational capabilities.

Data Resources

  • California Community Colleges DataVista (Website) - DataVista is the metrics platform providing insights into student success for California Community Colleges and Adult Education, previously available on the LaunchBoard. Developed through a collaboration between the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and WestEd, DataVista aims to enhance understanding of the nation’s largest postsecondary education system, which includes 73 districts and 116 accredited colleges, along with additional campus centers and classrooms across the state. The platform supports evidence-based decision making at schools, colleges and within the state.
  • LaunchBoard (Dashboard) - Provides data to California community colleges on enrollment, progress, success and employment outcomes for all community college pathways. The LaunchBoard includes dashboards and planning tools specific to the Adult Education Program, Strong Workforce Program, K-14 CTE Pathways, Guided Pathways and the Simplified Metrics, as well as a program review tool called the Community College Pipeline.
  • Student Success Metrics (Dashboard) - Organized around common goals such as adult education/ESL, short-term career education, and degree/transfer, the metrics capture progression along students' educational journey from recruitment to completion, transfer, and the workforce. Student Success Metrics pinpoint critical milestones and accomplishments that align with the Vision for Success and the Student Centered Funding Formula, and integrate metrics associated with various initiatives and funding streams.
  • Transfer Level Gateway Completion (Dashboard) - Provides completion rates of transfer-level English, mathematics (or equivalent quantitative reasoning course), and credit ESL starting from students' first course enrollment in the discipline (whether at or below transfer-level).

  • Data Mart (Dashboard) - Information about students, courses, student services, outcomes, faculty and staff. The emphasis is to answer the questions of administrators, educators, parents, students, state leaders and professional organizations.

  • CTE (Perkins IV) Reports (Dashboard) - Information/reports on various Core and Performance Indicators by college, TOP code, and Special population (Non-traditional, Displaced Homemaker, Single Parent, etc.). Web Application can also be used to download Negotiation reports for colleges and districts.

Request for Data

Please follow the steps below to complete a data request.

  1. Review our request process.
  2. Submit a research request.
  3. Send an e-mail message to @email for additional questions.