Overview Shot of LAHC Campus

​Tuition and Fee​s

California Residents Tuition Fee

  • Enrollment Fees: $46.00 per unit
  • Health Services Fee: $19 (Spring or Fall Semester) and $16 (Winter or Summer); Effective Fall 2020.
  • ASO Fees: $10.00 (Spring or Fall semester) and $5.00 (Winter or Summer)
  • Student Rep Fees: $2.00 per session
  • Parking Fees: $20.00 (Spring or Fall semester) and $10.00 (Winter or Summer)


(Note that parking fees for Summer and Fall 2021 have been waived due to the pandemic)

Non-Resident Tuition Fee

  • Out of State / Non Resident Fees (in addition to regular enrollment fees): $299.00 per unit
  • International Student Fees (in addition to regular enrollment fees): $299.00
  • International SEVIS Fee: $25.00
  • International Student Application Fee: $50
  • International Student Medical Fee: (IMED) $761 (Spring or Fall) $202 (Winter) $368 (Summer)
  • Class Audit Fees: $15.00 per unit