Graduation Process


Students must speak to a Counselor to verify that they meet all the requirements (or will meet all the requirements within the petitioning semester) in order to petition for an Associate's degree. Petitions need to be submitted through a Counselor. We currently are not accepting Graduation Petitions through the student portal.  

Schedule an appointment with a Counselor to petition for Graduation. 

Delay in submitting supporting documents (i.e. official transcripts, petitions for credit, etc.) will defer the review process. All official transcripts must be submitted, whether or not it is being used for the major.


Graduation Process

After graduation petitions are submitted, the Evaluation Technicians have a review deadline of up to 8 weeks after final grades are posted. If students submit their petition at the beginning of the semester, that does not guarantee that they will receive a degree before the rest of the students. Degrees will not be posted until 8 weeks after final grades are submitted by instructors. The Evaluation Technicians will contact students through their LACCD student email if they need additional documents to complete the review process.

Degrees will be officially posted on students' transcripts before diplomas are ready. If students need proof of graduation/degree, official transcripts can be used as proof.

When diplomas are ready for mailing, students will be contacted via their LACCD student email by Parchment Credentials to verify their information within three days. Once the three days have elapsed, either with corrections or no action, the diplomas will then be processed to be mailed out. 


Degree posting status: Posted

Diploma ready: Diplomas have been mailed out via Parchment Credentials

Degree posting status: Posted

Diploma ready: Will be automatically mailed out via Parchment Credentials when ready

Degree posting status: TBD- 8 weeks after grades are submitted

Diploma ready: Will be automatically mailed out via Parchment Credentials when ready


Click here ​for more information about the Commencement Ceremony. 

DATE: June 10, 2025

TIME:  09:00AM

The link will include information about the schedule, how to RSVP, cap and gown rentals, as well as other related information.


Cheryl Betancourt

Evaluator for last names that begin with A-G
Email: @email​​

Melissa Hammonds

Evaluator for last names that begin with H​-O
Email: @email

Marina Vargas

Evaluator for last names that begin with P-Z
Email: @email


Please refer to the Graduation Process above based on your graduating semester for updates.

If students have been awarded a degree between the semesters of Spring 2006 and Spring 2018, and have not received their physical diploma yet, they will need to fill out the Diploma mailing request​ form. The form can be submitted to your corresponding Evaluation Technician along with a photo ID. (See above for Evaluation Technician contact information.)

For any other semesters or duplicate diplomas, students will need to request a replacement diploma. 

If students need a replacement diploma, they can order a replacement via Parchment Credentials. Please note that fees will apply.

Depending on where in the review process the student's petition is, students can contact their Evaluation Technician to notify them of the change.


To update/change a major, students will need to speak to a counselor. Petitions cannot be changed or altered once they have been submitted to the Admissions Office.​

Please refer to the Transcripts ​tab.

Students have the option of petitioning a degree for all the semesters: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

​Students will have received a reason via email as to why their petition for degree was denied and need to follow up with a Counselor.​​