1. Maintain satisfactory grades in all courses with at least a transferable cumulative 3.0 GPA or above.
  2. Enroll full-time each Fall/Spring semester.*
  3. Attend the Annual Fall Honors Transfer Program Orientation.
  4. Complete at least 5 Honors courses totaling 15 units or more and meeting all requirements stipulated by the course. Students may enroll in a maximum of 2 honors courses per fall/spring semester and maximum of 1 per winter/summer session.
  5. Complete transfer-level Math and English by the end of the first year of enrollment.
  6. Complete Library Science 101, a 1-unit, UC transferable, 8-week course that helps build the foundational research skills used in honors courses.
  7. Complete a minimum of 40 hours of documented community service and/or campus involvement.
  8. Students are encouraged to meet with a Counselor at least twice throughout the time in the Honors program to develop/update an educational plan, review progress and discuss any issues hindering your academic success.
  9. Honors contract courses must be completed with an "A" or "B" in order to earn honors credit.
  10. Complete courses necessary for transfer as a junior in your major of study.

*Ensures eligibility for LACP, scholarships and timely degree/transfer completion.

How to complete the Honors Transfer Program in 5 Steps

  1. 5 honors courses totaling 15 units or more.
  2. 40 hours of documented community or campus service.
  3. 3.0 GPA or above in all transferable courses.
  4. 2 counseling appointments to develop educational plan and review progress.
  5. Completion of YOUR educational goal.