ASO Team!

2024-2025 A.S.O. Executive Cabinet


ASO logo crapped




Carmen Trujillo, ASO President

Miyoko Mataalii, ASO Vice President

Anthony Mercado, ASO Vice President of Finance

Carmen Trujillo, ASO President
Email: @email

Miyoko Mataalii, ASO Vice President
Email: @email

Anthony Mercardo, ASO Vice-President of Finance
Vice President Of Finance

Email: @email


Photo of Heidi Medrano

Heidi Medrano
ASO Advisor and Counselor

Phone: (310) 233-4651
Email: @email
To book a counseling appointment
click Cranium Cafe

Dr. Sorangel Hernandez, VP of Student Services

Dr. Sorangel Herandez
Vice-President of Student Services

Phone: (310) 233-4032
Email: @email