Welcomeâ to Communication Studies

We are the Communication Studies Department at LA Harbor College! We train students to become stronger communicators in personal, organizational, cultural, social and political contexts. We support students' development of critical and analytical abilities, proficiency in public speaking, small group communication, intercultural communication, argumentation, new media and interpersonal skills. We promote equity, diversity, and student success to ensure students become productive members of a global society. Communication skills represent the number-one workplace ability sought by today's employers.
Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:
Compose writing that expresses the writer's viewpoint and that utilizes the fundamentals of rhetoric and editing to communicate effectively for different audiences and purposes.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills by conducting research, evaluating source material and presenting supportive reasoned arguments on substantive issues in accordance with an appropriate style guide.
Daryle Nagano-Krier
Email: @email, Phone: (310) 233-4581
Office Hours: Refer to the syllabus
Alex Dejean
Email: dejeanad@lahc.edu, Phone: (310) 233-4250
Office: TDS-101 (Theater, Drama, and Speech)
Office Hours: Refer to the syllabus
Rodolfo Lopez
Email: lopezr9@email.laccd.edu
Office: SCC240
Office Hours: Refer to the syllabus
Adjunct Faculty