Los Angeles Harbor College Building

Welcome​ to Communication Studies

Communication Studies Heading - decorative graphic


COMM 101: Public Speaking

COMM 104: Argumentation and Debate

COMM 121: Interpersonal Communication

COMM 122: Intercultural Communication

COMM 151: Small Group Communication

COMM 190: Communication and New Media

Degrees & Certificates

Associate of Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer (AA-T)

Associate of Arts in Communication Studies

Multiple course options to meet the oral communication requirement for transfer

Multiple courses to meet the General Education Patterns for CSUs and UCs

Faculty Pages

We are the Communication Studies Department at LA Harbor College! We train students to become stronger communicators in personal, organizational, cultural, social and political contexts. We support students' development of critical and analytical abilities, proficiency in public speaking, small group communication, intercultural communication, argumentation, new media and interpersonal skills. We promote equity, diversity, and student success to ensure students become productive members of a global society. Communication skills represent the number-one workplace ability sought by today's employers.

Communication Studies Program Mapper at LA Harbor College

Program Learning Outcomes:

Girl Student in Campus


Daryle Nagano-Krier
Email: @email, Phone: (310) 233-4581
Office Hours: Refer to the syllabus

Alex Dejean

Email: dejeanad@lahc.edu, Phone:  (310) 233-4250

Office: TDS-101 (Theater, Drama, and Speech)

Office Hours: Refer to the syllabus

Rodolfo Lopez

Email:  lopezr9@email.laccd.edu

Office:  SCC240

Office Hours:  Refer to the syllabus

Adjunct Faculty

Julia Anderson

Office Hours Email: @email

Roxana Huete

Office Hours Email: @email

Fabriba Sadeghi-Tabriba

Office Hours Email: @email

Mark Shannon

Office Hours Email: @email

Deborah Zipnick

Office Hours Email: @email