Student Union Building

Global Trade and Transportation


Get Ready for the world

Employers prefer to hire applicants who have a college degree, but complain that college graduates do not bring skills relevant to the jobs. Employees who master relevant skills acquired through years of work can outperform colleagues with degrees, yet their lack of formal education often causes them to miss out on advancement. By getting the right combination of training, work experience, industry engagement, and certification you could find yourself in the job that most 4-year graduates want before you graduate from community college.

Global Trade and Transportation Pathway

Mid-level career jobs within the global trade or transportation sectors usually require a 4-year degree, several years of experience, and specialized training and possibly an industry-recognized credential. Community college students seeking a career in this field of study should get training and entry-level employment in the field early in their education so that they are in the best position possible to advance to a mid-level position in the industry upon graduation.

LA's ports are the main gateway for U.S. imports and exports of goods, employing over 100,000 people in LA County. But which jobs pay well and are expected to see strong hiring? How do people access those job opportunities? A report from Center for a Competitive Workforce, co-authored by LAEDC, helps colleges, job seekers and students understand which jobs offer good wages, hiring potential, and career pathways in this industry. The report is the 16th in the series exploring the major industries and occupations in LA County, with a focus on well-paying middle-skill occupations, accessible via community college study.

Business Woman Portrait

Logistics Career: Video
Logistics careers include working in warehouses for shippers and companies that distribute products locally and around the world, and managing processes so that packages arrive at the right location and on time.

Enroll Today in one of our credit and/or non-credit programs to build your Global Trade & Logistics (GTL) skills.

As an industry educational partner, many of our GTL courses are contextualized with the core knowledge needed to pass entry-level industry credentials. Passing nationally-recognized industry certifications, like NASBITE's Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) or CSCMP's SCPro™ Fundamentals Supply Chain Management Certification demonstrates that individuals have a minimum competencies in basic functions like Global Management, Marketing, Supply Chain, and Finance. Combining your business courses in sequence with short-term skills training through LAHC's Adult Education will give individuals the ability to get, retain, and advance in their field of study while they complete skills certificates, secure industry credentials and work toward a degree.

Cargo Ship with Many Containers
Illustration With Text Don't Forget

General Counseling 

For more information or assistance visit the general counseling page.
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Career & Job
Placement center 

For more information visit the Career and Job Placement Center  page.
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