Kinesiology Courses
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course is designed for the conscientious student who is unable to attend conventional class hours but wants to improve physical efficiency by using a scientific approach to physical fitness. Students will be tested on ergo metric cycles, heart rate monitoring equipment, and blood pressure recorder, etc. Grading can be based on re-testing results. Work is done on a contract basis.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab, 45:00 TBA
- This course is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities requiring restricted or modified activities. Individualized exercise programs will be performed by students with instruction covering the basic elements of physical fitness and training principles. Students with disabilities must provide a physicians prescription for exercises. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 45:00 hours.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab, 45:00 TBA
- This course is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities who require restricted or modified activities. Individualized exercise programs will be performed by students with instructional emphasis placed on strength training principles and techniques. Students with disabilities must provide a physicians prescription for exercises. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 45:00 hours.
- 1 unit, Letter, 3 lab
- This course is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities who need an individualized exercise program and can function independently. Students will develop cardiovascular muscular endurance, strength, and flexibility while exercising with musical accompaniment. Students with disabilities must provide a physicians prescription for exercises.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab, 45:00 TBA
- This course is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities who can benefit from individualized cardiovascular endurance training. Development of cardiovascular endurance through the use of bicycle ergometers, treadmills, hand cranks, etc. will be the major class focus. Students with disabilities must provide physician prescription for exercises. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 45:00 hours.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab, 45:00 TBA
- This course is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities with back and/or neck problems who can benefit from an individualized exercise program. Instruction and practice will be given in individualized exercise, including stretching, resistive exercise and cardiovascular fitness. Students with disabilities must provide a physicians prescription for exercises. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 45:00 hours.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/1.5 lab
- This course instructs the student in self-defense and personal safety skills for men and women against deadly dangerous and other physical attacks at an introductory level. The course includes discussion of safety precautions and the promotion of mental and physical well-being.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/1.5 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 217 or 217-1
- This course instructs the student in self-defense and personal safety skills for men and women against deadly dangerous and other physical attacks at a beginning karate and martial arts skills level. The course includes discussion of safe defense and protection strategies and the promotion of mental and physical well-being.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course will familiarize the student with procedures for evaluating fitness levels and will allow the student to experience the cognitive, affective and psycho motor levels of learning a variety of exercise programs and techniques which will improve the students' level of physical fitness.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course will introduce students to cardiovascular and strenght training activities using different modes of training. Students will assess their fitness levels to help improve their physical fitness levels.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 229 or KIN 229-1
- This course combines cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility to further improve students fitness levels. Students will use fitness assessments to develop an individualized conditioning program to meet their needs.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Emphasis is on physical fitness through a non-traditional strength training. Students will leave with and extensive exercise library using non traditional equipment (fit balls, bends, medicine balls, etc.)
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Emphasis is on physical fitness through a non-traditional strength training. Students will leave with and extensive exercise library using non traditional equipment (fit balls, bends, medicine balls, etc.)
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 245 or 245-1
- Emphasis is on physical fitness through a non-traditional strength training. Students will leave with and extensive exercise library using non traditional equipment (fit balls, bends, medicine balls, etc.)
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab, 45:00 TBA
- Students develop muscular strength and endurance using weight machines and free weights. They employ proper training techniques necessary to maintain personal fitness throughout the lifespan.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab, 45:00 TBA
- Prerequisite: KIN 250-1
- Students develop resistance training experience and become involved in a higher level of exercise. They will be exposed to a wide variety of machine as well as free weight exercises and will then design a program based on individual needs.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course is designed to improve both strength and flexibility through mind and body integration. The course focuses on the physical and breathing exercises of Yoga. It will assist with the development of flexibility and strength in the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, improve circulation, reduce stress, and increase energy levels. Various styles of Hatha Yoga will be studied and practiced. This course will give the student both the knowledge and the practice to move toward improved health and reduce stress levels.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Students learn the physical practice of Yoga, connecting body, mind and spirit. The students are introduced to its origins,asanas(positions) and terminology.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 251 or 251-1
- This course is designed to improve both strength and flexibility through mind and body integration. The course focuses on the physical and breathing exercises of Yoga. It will assist with the development of flexibility and strength in the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, improve circulation, reduce stress, and increase energy levels. Various styles of Hatha Yoga will be studied and practiced. This course will give the student both the knowledge and the practice to move toward improved health and reduce stress levels.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course offers instruction and practice in the fundamental skills and basic techniques of golf. Students are given instruction in etiquette, rules and strategy of golf.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab
- Students learn instruction and practice in the events relevant to track and field. Topics include techniques, strategies, fitness conditioning, and rules pertaining to all aspects and events of track and field. Some of the topics include disk throwing, hurdles, sprinting, cross training and injury prevention. Emphasis will be put on proper biomechanics and injury prevention.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Students practice, at a beginning level, the fundamental skills of basketball (dribbling, shooting, passing) and basic offensive and defensive team strategies through instruction and drills.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 287 or 287-1
- Students practice, at an intermediate level, the fundamental skills of basketball (dribbling, shooting, and passing) and improve their ability to perform these skills under game conditions. They learn how to be a contributing team member on offense and defense by setting screens, playing various zone defenses, and running a half-court press.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course is designed to teach students skills related to flag football as a team activity.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course is designed to teach students skills related to flag football as a team activity. Each level will explore the topic in greater depth.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 288 or 288-1
- This course is designed to teach students advanced skills related to flag football as a team activity.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- This course is designed to teach beginning to intermediate volleyball skills of passing, setting, spiking, serving and blocking. The course will introduce individual and team offense and defense systems, as well as the rules, proper etiquette, terminology, components of fitness, nutritional and injury prevention strategies for volleyball.
- 2 units, Letter, 2 lab
- Students learn basic volleyball skills and techniques. Skills learned are passing, serving, setting, blocking and hitting. Students learn game strategy and rules of the sport.
- 1 unit, Letter, 2 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 291-1
- Students learn volleyball skills and techniques. Skills learned are passing, serving, hitting and blocking. The students also learn strategy used for games and the rules of the sport.
- 2 units, Letter, 1 lec/2 lab, DE
- This course is particularly useful to the athlete, dancer, musician, singer, actor and public speaker, but generally beneficial to anyone interested in improved physical and mental functioning. Alternative forms of physical education for improved body alignment and ease of movement with ability to reduce stress for all individuals is covered.
- 1 unit, Letter, 3 lab
- Weight Training includes an emphasis in the knowledge, understanding and values of building muscle strength and endurance. The course include instruction in the five health related components of fitness (body composition, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness). The objective is to develop the student's ability to develop his/her own physical fitness program at any time in life based upon sound physiological principles.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab
- An introductory laboratory experience designed for the people who desire an individualized strength program using a combination of nautilus and universal machines. This is suited for men and women of all age groups who are interested in starting exercise to improve their health. This course may be scheduled at times to be announced (TBA) for a minimum of 45:00 hours.
- 1 unit, Letter, 0.5 lec/2.5 lab
- Prerequisite: KIN 350 or 350-1
- An intermediate training experience for the people who have experience with exercise, using a combination of machines and free weights. This is suited for men and women of all age groups who are interested in muscle toning and muscle building. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 54:00 hours.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab, 180:00 TBA
- Enrollment limited to available seats awarded to those students judged most qualified, based on past performance and/or team tryouts.
- This course covers intercollegiate athletic competitive baseball skills including throwing, fielding, hitting, base running, and baseball game strategies. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 180:00 hours.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab, 180:00 TBA
- This course covers fundamental, intermediate and advance principles/theories and skills of Basketball. Instruction, demonstration and practice of basic basketball skills, include passing, dribbling, shooting, rebounding, individual and team offense/defense and basketball intercollegiate competition. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 180:00 hours.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab
- Enrollment in this course is limited to available seats awarded to those students judged most qualified based on past performance and/or tryouts.
- This is the Intercollegiate Athletic competitive cross country team course. It includes endurance workouts, speed training, hill training and weight training. Nutritional concepts are discussed, as well as psychological preparation. This course requires the student athletes to compete as a member of the Cross country team.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab, 180:00 TBA
- Enrollment limited to available seats awarded to those students judged most qualified, based on past performance and/or tryouts.
- This course presents intercollegiate athletic competitive football activities. Advanced skills for blocking, tackling, ball carrying (offense and defense), running, change in direction, accelerating and decelerating and placement of hands and fingers on football. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 180:00 hours.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab
- This course spends ten hours or more a week in seasonal soccer intercollegiate varsity and other conditioning activities as directed.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab, 180:00 TBA
- Fundamental, intermediate and advanced principles/theories and skills of Softball. Instruction, demonstration and practice of basic skills, including throwing, fielding, hitting, base running, and intercollegiate competition. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 180.00 hours.
- 3 units, Letter, Repeatable, 10 lab, 180:00 TBA
- Enrollment limited to available seats awarded to those students judged most qualified, based on past performance and/or tryouts.
- This course provides students with intermediate and advanced volleyball skills the opportunity to compete at the intercollegiate level. This course may be scheduled at times to be arranged (TBA) for a minimum of 180:00 hours.
- 1 unit, Letter, Repeatable, 3 lab
- This course is designed for the student athlete. The following areas are emphasized: the analysis and training of athletic skills, the analysis of offensive and defensive systems, physical conditioning, strength training and aerobic conditioning.
- 1 unit, Letter, Repeatable, 3 lab
- This course is designed for the student athlete. It is intended to provide focused strength and conditioning exercises, emphasize safety and injury prevention and present new rules and game plays for football.
- 1 unit, Letter, Repeatable, 3 lab
- This course is designed for the student athlete and is intended to provide focused strength and conditioning exercises with an emphasis on safety, injury prevention, and new rules and game plays for basketball.
- 1 unit, Letter, Repeatable, 3 lab
- This course is designed for the student athlete. It is intended to provide focused strength and conditioning exercises, emphasize safety and injury prevention and present new rules and game plays for baseball.
- 1 unit, Letter, Repeatable, 3 lab
- This course is designed for the student athlete and is intended to provide focused strength and conditioning exercises with an emphasis on safety, injury prevention, and new rules and game plays for soccer.
- 3 units, Letter, 3 lec
- DA, CSU/UC, C-ID KIN 100
- This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement. An overview of the importance of the sub-disciplines in kinesiology will be discussed along with career opportunities and responsibilities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions.
- 3 units, Letter, 3 lec
- This course focuses encouragement of sound coaching principles and training methods for men and women. It presents information to help the coach, the physical education major who will be dealing with athletes, the leader of recreational programs, the physical education instructor, and the player. The concepts, problems, philosophy, and modern-day techniques relating to competitive athletics are discussed.
- 2 units, Letter, 1 lec/2 lab
- This course includes components of cardiorespiratory, strenght and flexibility activities. Students will identify and apply concepts and
- applications of exercise science to development of personalized training plan for different fitness levels and age groups.
- 3 units, Letter, 2 lec/3 lab
- This course is designed for future athletic trainers, physical educators, coaches, physical therapists and any one else who plans on working with active individuals who are prone to injury. This course introduces the concepts and practical skills of the athletic training profession, including the prevention, recognition, evaluation, and management of athletic injuries.