Los Angeles Harbor College Building

Humanities and Fine Arts

Humanities and Fine Arts

Welcome to the Humanities and Fine Arts Division

The mission of the Humanities and Fine Arts Division is to provide the needed help and education to all students.

Contact Information

Lorrie Kato, Division Chair
Email: katoln@lahc.edu
DS 103, (310) 233-4674

Espie Robledo, Classified Staff​
Email: roblede@lahc.edu
DS 103, (310) 233-4426 Office

Music Department

Justin Raines, Instructional Assistant
Email: rainesjw@lahc.edu
Music Dept, (310) 233-4429​​

Full-Time Instructors:


Rey Armenteros
Email: armentr@laccd.edu

Loren Holland
Email: hollanle@lahc.edu


Michael Song
Email: songm@lahc.edu
Tel: (310) 233-4167


Byron ​Smith
Email: smithbj@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4415

Wagner Trindade
Email: trindaws@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4401​

Cindy Tseng
Email: tsengch@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4414


Eddie Galvan
Email: galvane@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4526

Lorrie Kato
Email: katol@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4674

Kim-Lien Nguyen
Email: nguyenkt2@lahc.edu

Danielle Pashtunyar (Dani)
Email: smithds2@lahc.edu

Elena Reigadas
Email: reigade@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4581


Alexandre Dejean              Email:dejeanad@lahc.edu  

Daryle Nagano-Krier
Email: naganodd@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4581

Rodolfo Lopez Jr.  Email: lopezr9@email.laccd.edu


Jonathon Klyng
Email: klyngj@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4514


Michael Chen
Email: chenh3@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4428


Mary Copeland
Email: copelame@lahc.edu
Phone: (310) 233-4518