
Child Development Department

Faculty Pages

The Child Development program is designed to help students qualify for employment in occupations involving groups of young children who are under the guidance of public and private agencies. Completion of this program qualifies the student to apply for the California Child Development Permit.

Courses of study may be selected and scheduled in any order based on course prerequisites, the available class schedule, and/or academic and technical competencies.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students and Teacher in Classroom
Girl in Classroom

Child Development Permit Information

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) offers the following six levels of the Child Development Permit:

  1. Assistant
  2. Associate Teacher
  3. Teacher
  4. Master Teacher
  5. Site Supervisor
  6. Program Director

A School-Age Emphasis authorization can be added to any level of the Child Development Permit.​

Applying for California Child Development Permit

Individuals may choose from the following two options when applying for the California Child Development Permit:

  1. Apply for the CDTC Permit Stipend Program: Select and print the appropriate application forms and instructions from the Child Development Training Consortium (when available). CDTC staff will review the application and submit to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), with the application fee payment, on applicants' behalf.

  2. Apply directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC): To obtain forms and instructions, go to www.ctc.ca.gov. When applying directly to the CTC, ALL fees are the responsibility of the permit applicant.

Child Development Permit Stipends

The Child Development Training Consortium Permit Stipend Program pays the permit application fee to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for persons seeking the Child Development Permit levels listed below (including permits with a School-Age Emphasis).

  • Assistant
  • Associate Teacher
  • Teacher
To review all six permit levels, download theChild Development Permit Matrix below.

CD Permit Matrix.pdf