Become a student tutor


  1. Be enrolled in at least 12 units of undergraduate or 6 units of graduate courses;
  2. Have received an "A" or "B" in the course you will be tutoring and an overall B average in the subject matter area being tutored (e.g., A or B in Math 240 and math GPA of 3.0);
  3. Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.0;
  4. Obtain an instructor's recommendation for the course(s) listed;
  5. Complete a pre-tutor workshop and other workshops as required;
  6. Agree to permit your photograph wearing a blue LAHC tutor vest to be posted on the info screens in the LRC, on the LRC homepage on the college website, and in college publications.


To apply for the position of tutor, please submit a completed employment application, which includes:​

  1. An official employment application form (page 2)
  2. Your preferred work schedule (page 3)
  3. Instructor recommendation (turned in by the instructor) (page 4)
  4. An unofficial copy of your college transcripts
  5. A print out of your enrollment verification for the semester you are applying to tutor

Submit your completed employment application to:
Nadine Muro (email: @email, Office: LLRC 123) or Nicole Shawver (email: @email, Office:LLRC 133).