Writing Lab Hours
Writing Lab
Writing Lab Spring 2024 Hours
In Person & Online
Monday- Thursday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm
Writing Lab
Request a tutoring appointment
Steps to schedule tutoring appointments:
- Sign in to your LAHC Canvas Account.
- Click on your class shell on your canvas Dashboard.
- When you are in your course, click on "LAHC Tutoring" link on the left-hand side.
- If it is your first visit, you will see this message on your screen asking you to get started. Please click "Get Started".
- Once you click "Get Started", please agree to the terms of services and privacy policy and click "Next".
- Now you will be asked to choose between "learn" and "teach", please press "learn" and then click "next".
- You will now be asked to choose what LACCD college you are enrolled in. Please click on "Los Angeles Harbor College".
- You will now be taken to a page with the different tutoring centers. Click on the tutoring center you wish to get tutoring for: LAHC | LRC
- An e-mail verification will be sent to your student e-mail to verify your account. Once you verify your e-mail and account, you can begin accessing the LRC's tutoring services.
- Select a single appointment type: single (one time)
- Click "Join class" and select the class you would like tutoring for.
- Click on the class you just selected
- Select a day and time. Available times are highlighted in blue.
- Select a tutor.
- Choose meeting location (online or in person)
- Tell us what you would like to work on during your session.
- Review your appointment information and complete your request
LAHC's Writing Lab offers free one-on-one writing consultations to all current students. Trained tutors serve students from all disciplines at all stages of their writing process. To schedule a live tutoring session, click the link below.
Writing Resources
Online tutorials in various areas including grammar, research and citation including MLA, APA, and CMS formats.
Writing Lab Hours:
Official Hours:
In Person- & Online
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM
24/7 Tutoring: Available via Net Tutor in various subjects (this is a third party tutoring service which is a great option when Harbor's tutoring services are closed).