Students with Diploma


All forms must be submitted to Staff in the Student Union Building, on the second floor, room 203.
*Forms that are Grayed out are not currently actionable due to the Covid19 Crisis.

Elected Office

Every spring elections are held for ASO President, Executive Vice President, and Vice President of Finance. If you are interested in running, return this application to the Student Activities office (SU-203). Election deadlines, election packets, and any other pertinent information will be made available through the ASO website.

Student Government Application

Student ID Request Form

To obtain your Student ID for LAHC, you should visit the Business Office and request a receipt for your student Rep Fee ($2.00) or if seeking the ASO ID, the ASO Student Fee ($10.00) for the current semester and bring that to the Student Activities Office (RM 203) which is in the Student Union Building, on the 2nd floor. Our office hours for the first 2 weeks of the Spring Semester are 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. Our office will be closed on Fridays and Weekends.
* Please bring other photo ID to validate your Identity. ** All other Student fees may have to be paid before students can submit the Student Rep or ASO Fees, per district policy.

Employee ID Request
Note: The entire form must be filled out and your immediate supervisor must sign it.
Employee ID Form

Presidents And Deans Honor Certificate

Presidents and Deans Honors Award Ceremonies are hosted by Student Activities and held in the Student Union every Fall and Spring semesters.
If you are not able to attend and wish to request your honor certificate, you must submit a request form to Student Activities (SU-203).** Due to Covid19, The Certificates cannot be printed until the staff is able to return to campus. In the meantime, You can request a certificate and an Image file can be emailed to you.

Honors Certificate Request

Facilities Request

This form must be filled out by faculty or staff only.
Note: Please ensure all required signatures are on the form.

LAHC Facility Reservation Form 2019

Mascot Request

Please ensure the form is filled out a week before the requested day of use.

Mascot Form

Banner Request - Pending

Do you need to get a message out? Order a banner from Student Activities to publicize your event/activity/program.

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