Girl in Classroom

Housing Resources

The Department of Health and Human Services has defined housing insecurity as high housing costs in proportion to income, poor housing quality, unstable neighborhoods, overcrowding, or homelessness. Crowding in the home and multiple moves from home to home have clear negative associations for children and college students alike.

As part of a county wide initiative to end homelessness, LAHC has partnered with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and Harbor Interfaith to assist students with their housing insecurity needs. Through this partnership, LAHC can participate in the Campus Peer Navigator Program. The Campus Peer Navigator Program aims to connect community college students who are experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness with resources that can end their housing crisis. The objectives of the program include:

  • Connecting students to community resources and the Coordinated Entry System (CES)
  • Improving linkages between colleges and homeless services providers across Los Angeles County (Streamlining the CES referral process)
  • Housing Related Coordinated Case Management

For immediate/emergency housing needs, please complete the following referral form:

Basic Needs Housing Referral

Community Housing Organizations

​Organization Services Phone/Email/Webpage
Harbor Interfaith ​Coordinated Entry System for Individuals & Transitional Age Youth (CESI &Y), SPA 8 Coordinated Entry System for Families(CESF), Family Shelter, Rent Assistance

(310) 831-9123

​Toberman Neighborhood Center Shelter/Housing referrals

(310) 832-1145

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