LSC Policies
The LACCD is committed to drug-free and alcohol-free campuses. Students and employees are prohibited from unlawfully possessing, using or distributing illicit drugs and alcohol on District premises, in District vehicles, or as part of any activity of the District or colleges of the District.
LACCD Board Rule 9803.19 prohibits the following: "Alcohol and Drugs. Any possession of controlled substances which would constitute a violation of Health and Safety Code section 11350 or Business and Professions Code section 4230, any use of controlled substances the possession of which are prohibited by the same, or any possession or use of alcoholic beverages while on any property owned or used by the District or colleges of the District or while participating in any District or college-sponsored function or field trip. "Controlled substances," as used in this section, include but are not limited to the following drugs and narcotics: (a) opiates, opium and opium derivatives; (b) mescaline; (c) hallucinogenic substances; (d) peyote; (e) marijuana; (f) stimulants and depressants; (g) cocaine." Annual Security Report 2016 Los Angeles Harbor College page 9
Federal and state laws regarding alcohol and illicit drugs allow for fines and/or imprisonment. Other legal problems include the loss of one's driver's license and limitations of career choices.
In addition to criminal prosecution, violators are also subject to disciplinary action. Student discipline actions may include the following: warning, reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, and/or expulsion. In addition to criminal prosecution, violators are also subject to disciplinary action by LACCD. Employee discipline actions may include the following: warning, reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension and job termination.
Health risks associated with the abuse of controlled substances include malnutrition, damage to various organs, hangovers, blackouts, general fatigue, impaired learning, dependency, disability and death. Both drugs and alcohol may be damaging to the development of an unborn fetus. Personal problems include diminished self-esteem, depression, alienation from reality, and suicide. Social problems include alienation from and abuse of family members, chronic conflict with authority, and loss of friends, academic standing, and/or co- and extra-curricular opportunities.
Los Angeles Harbor College, through its Life Skills Center, offers free short-term therapy for substance abuse to all registered students who have paid the health fee. For long-term assistance, the Center offers referral services to outside drug and alcohol prevention and treatment programs. Please refer to the Life SKills Center page on the Website.
The following counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation resources are available for the treatment of alcohol and drug dependence and abuse.
- Los Angeles Community College District Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(800) 342-8111 - National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
(800) NCA-CALL - California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
(800) 879-2772 - Los Angeles County Public Health, Substance Abuse Prevention and Control
(800) 564-6600 - Alcoholics Anonymous
(800) 923-8722 - Cocaine Anonymous
(310) 233-4600 - Narcotics Anonymous
(800) 863-2962 - Families Anonymous
(800) 736-9805 - National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab: