Students admitted into the Umoja program are expected to do the following:

Umoja Community

  • Attend 3 counseling appointments each semester one of which must be with a Umoja Counselor
  • Attend 3 workshops/events each semester, one of which must be an Umoja-sponsored event or an Umoja-promoted community event such as the Umoja Statewide and Regional Conferences.
  • Submit a progress report by week 8 of each 16 week term
  • Attend the End of Year Culminating Event to celebrate students who are graduating/transferring
  • Other requirements as assigned by the counselor that benefit the student (ie. required tutoring for a student that is repeating a course)

Umoja Cohort

  • In addition to the above, cohort students will enroll in Umoja courses

Umoja Advisory

  • After a minimum of one semester of participation, students who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership qualities who are invited to join the Umoja advisory board must regularly attend Board Meetings to assist in planning program activities