Courses Offered in Music
All music courses are CSU/UC transferable. Also, all music courses fit the requirements of receiving a Music Degree and Certificates offered at LAHC.
To view Music classes offered in the upcoming semester:
- Visit the LAHC Schedule Catalog
- Go to Laccd Student portal “Search for classes”, subject: Music and campus: La Harbor College
- Or Contact the Music office to speak to a music staff or faculty member
Below includes more information about our Performance ensembles, Applied music program, Commercial music, and Piano, Guitar, Voice classes:

Music theory is a set of principles used to analyze the construction and perception of music and to compose music. These skills are enhanced by the study of Musicianship, the ability to hear music internally (audiate) and score music that is heard (dictate).
NOTE: The Music Theory and Musicianship classes are co-requisites that require concurrent enrollment, which means taking a Music Theory and Musicianship class in the same semester.
TIP: Music Theory and Musicianship courses are required classes for receiving any of the Music Certificates and Degree. The music theory courses are intended for music majors who plan to earn a music certificate, degree, and/or transfer to a four-year music program. The practical application of these topics will be addressed in the corresponding musicianship courses.
MUS 216-1 Music Theory 1 & MUS 217-1 Musicianship 1
Tip: Music theory 1 and Musicianship 1 are advanced music courses. Students are encouraged to take a Music 101 Music Fundamentals class prior to enrolling in MUS 216-1 and 217-1. Students can also benefit from taking an elementary piano class to assist keyboard use in Musicianship class.
MUS 216-2 Music Theory 2 & MUS 217-2 Musicianship 2
(Pre-requisite: complete Music theory 1 and Musicianship 1 with a minimum grade of “C”)
MUS 216-3 Music Theory 3 & MUS 217-3 Musicianship 3
(Pre-requisite: complete Music theory 2 and Musicianship 2 with a minimum grade of “C”)

All performance ensemble classes engage in weekly rehearsals and participate in performance opportunities. All ensembles require a placement audition.
See below for details.
MUS 501 College Choir
A choral performance ensemble. Topics will include vocal technique and choral elements such as balance, intonation, diction, and music reading. Repertoire is chosen based on group ability and represents historical and current styles of music. Students are required to perform in public.
Contact Choir director for more information regarding placement audition.
Questions about College Choir placement audition and enrollment?
Contact College Choir Director: Byron J. Smith
MUS 700 Large Ensemble
Pre-requisite: Proficiency on a musical instrument is required for enrollment. Contact Ensemble director for more information regarding Placement audition.
This course is for the study, rehearsal, and public performance of literature appropriate to the ensemble, with an emphasis on the development of skills needed to perform within an ensemble. Choice of ensemble is based on each student’s identified major instrument or voice. The course is repeatable for credit for a maximum of four enrollments. Field trips and/or off-campus performances may be required.
Questions about Ensemble placement audition and enrollment?
Contact Ensemble and Jazz Combo Director: Wagner Trindade

Applied Music MUS 180 and 181 series are performance-based classes. The MUS 181-184 series parallels the offering for and requirements of UC and CSU music majors. Also, Applied music classes are required to achieve certain Music Certificates.
MUS 180-1, 180-2, 180-3, 180-4 Applied Music Laboratory 1, 2, 3, 4
Co-requisite: MUS 181, 182, 183, 184
NOTE: The enrollment for this course series is for students who have auditioned and are granted scholarship individual lessons with a music faculty or staff.
Applied Music Lab Scholarship is available for students who are full-time music majors and meet other eligibility requirements.
For details, view Applied Music Lab Scholarship Lessons Placement Audition information.
MUS 181, 182, 183, 184 Applied Music 1, 2, 3, 4
This course is designed for students to develop study, practice, and performance skills on a principal instrument or voice through private lessons and recital and jury performances. Parallels the offering for and requirements of UC and CSU music majors.
NOTE: Students should be taking private lessons or a beginning instrument/voice class when enrolled in Applied Music class.
Questions about Applied Music placement audition and enrollment?
Contact Instructor Byron J. Smith

Learn how to play the piano and guitar and to sing with our expert instructors.
MUS 321, 322, 323, Elementary Piano 1, 2, 3
A three-semester series that provides the student with functional keyboard skills such as note reading, sight-reading, simple improvisations, transpositions, harmonization, technical skills (scales, chords, pedal use, etc.) in addition to learning repertoire on a graded level.
Students with prior experience with playing piano may not need to start at MUS 321 Piano 1. For more information, contact Class Piano Instructor: Cindy Tseng
MUS 411, 412, 413, 414 Elementary Voice 1, 2, 3, 4
A four-semester series that provides students with guidance in the learning and presentation of several types and styles of solo song. Problems of tone production, breathing, diction, repertoire, and song interpretation are studied. The course is designed to meet the voice requirements for traditional and commercial music majors.
MUS 650 Beginning Guitar
This course consists of basic instruction in guitar playing from the beginning level. It includes appropriate exercises to develop technical facilities, material for sight reading, and study of basic chords and repertoire.
MUS 651, 652, 653, 654 Classical Guitar 1, 2, 3, 4
A four-semester series that develops classical guitar techniques, including right and left-hand development. Includes beginning repertoire, note reading, preparation for solo and ensemble performance.

These courses emphasize the study and application of electronic, electro-acoustic, and digital music techniques. Technical, compositional, and performances skills applied to synthesizers, computers, MIDI, software applications, virtual instruments and digital recording equipment will be introduced and developed.
We have a state-of-the-art digital music lab, with 22 fully loaded iMacs running Pro Tools, Reason, and a lot more. Our new and improved recording studio will soon have the capabilities of mixing and rendering using Dolby Atmos Studio.
MUS 165 Introduction to Recording Arts
This introductory course covers basic acoustics, audio systems and terminology, microphone principles and usage, and an introduction to recording equipment and procedures.
MUS 265-1, 265-2, 265-3 Recording Arts Workshop 1, 2, 3
Pre-requisite: Completed MUS 165 course.
In this three-course series, through lecture and hands-on experience students will study acoustic principles, microphones, multi-track recording, overdubbing, and mixing, using hardware equipment and digital audio workstation (DAW) computer applications.
Coming Soon - Summer 2025
VOC ED 926CE: Pro Tools Fundamentals 1
VOC ED 927CE: Pro Tools Fundamentals 2
VOC ED 931 Internship in Music 1
VOC ED 932 Internship in Music 2
MUS 271, 272, 273 Songwriters’ Workshop 1, 2, 3
This three-course series offers the student the opportunity to develop skills in writing original songs. Techniques of creating original melodies, harmonies, and lyrics will be presented.
MUS 280 - Business of Commercial Music
This online, 8-week course offers the student the opportunity to examine economic opportunities in the music industry. Job opportunities and responsibilities for the performer, arranger, sales manager, audio engineer and other music business related positions are explored. Students have the opportunity to research areas of interest and to discuss the music industry with guest speakers

General Education Music courses are designed for non-musicians who wish to gain a better understanding of music, whether it be the fundamentals of music or the study of popular genres such as classical, jazz, and pop music. No pre-requisites are required.
- MUS 100 Music in Society
- MUS 101 Fundamentals of Music
- MUS 111 Music Appreciation
- MUS 116 Survey of Rock, Pop, and Soul
- MUS 118 Film Music Appreciation
- MUS 141 Jazz Appreciation
For GE course description visit LAHC College Catalog

The following ensembles are affiliated with the music dept through community services. Students can join for credit. For more information, contact the Music Instructional Assistant or call the Music Office.