What is Applied Music Laboratory?
Applied Music Lab offers individual voice or instrument lessons with faculty to students who meet eligibility requirements. This course is required to achieve Certificates of Achievement in Music.
What are the eligibility requirements to register for Applied Music Laboratory 1 - 4?
- Be a declared music major.
- Enroll as a full-time student (12 units)
- Concurrent enrollment in Music 181 - 184 "Applied Music I - IV"
- Concurrent enrollment or previous completion of the appropriate level of music major theory/musicianship classes, which include:
- Music 216-1, 217-1
- Music 216-2, 217-2
- Music 216-3, 217-3
- Enroll in a performance ensemble class
- No more than 4 semesters of Applied Music Lab already completed
- Don't change instruments or voice during the four-semester sequence
- Selection by Music Department Faculty based on Placement Audition
What is a Placement Audition and how does it work?
A Placement Audition demonstrates a student's proficiency on their voice or instrument.
Students should prepare to perform 2 pieces of music in different styles at the audition. An accompanist can be provided, but you must make arrangements for this in advance.
The Music Faculty audition committee will select students based off the following criteria:
- The quality of the student's performance and preparation for the audition
- The student's potential for growth
- Class size limit
- The availability of appropriate faculty experts to meet each student's need
When is the Placement Audition?
Auditions for new Applied Music students are held each semester during the second week of classes. Information about the audition day and time will be discussed at the first class meeting of the Applied Music performance workshop class. Information about the auditions can also be obtained by visiting the music office or by contacting the instructor.
How to maintain eligibility after being admitted to the Applied Music Lab:
After successfully completing a semester of Music 180-1 "Applied Lab I", students do not need to audition again the next semester.
Continuing students are required to:
- Attend a minimum of 13 scheduled individual lessons.
- Master technical exercises and/or repertoire assigned by their instructor.
- Practice a minimum of 5 hours per week in the Music Building practice rooms.
Continuing students who do not maintain eligibility will be denied enrollment in Applied Music Laboratory II - IV and may be asked to audition again when they meet the requirements.
How do students get placed with an individual lesson instructor?
Students admitted into the Applied Music Laboratory class will be assigned to a faculty mentor with appropriate expertise in the student's chosen instrument/voice.
Students will be given contact information for their individual lesson instructor and will be responsible for contacting him/her to set up a weekly (or bi-weekly) lesson schedule for the semester.
All Applied Music instructors meet or exceed the minimum qualifications for teaching in the Los Angeles Community College District.
If deemed appropriate by the individual lesson instructor, each Applied Music Laboratory student is entitled to sign up for a half hour per week of coaching with the Music Department staff accompanist.
The Applied Music program director will pair Applied Students based on the needs of all students in the program, the source of funding, and the availability of each instructor.
While a student may ask to study with a particular teacher, this may not always be possible. It is expected that students will continue to study with the same individual lesson instructor for all four semesters.
Students wishing to change individual lesson instructors should make a request through the Applied Music program director or the Music Department chair. Note that changes in assigned instructors, when a change request is granted, will begin at the start of the next semester.
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