STEM Summer Bridge
July 19 - August 20, 2021
A program to explore and plan for a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics at LAHC. The 5-week Summer Bridge provides Support to first-year STEM majors. Meets the L.A. College Promise Virtual Summer Orientation Requirement.

Benefits of Participation
- Summer class
- Free tutoring, 24 hrs/7 days a week
- Scholarship opportunities
- Guest speaker event
- Dedicated STEM counselor
- Academic, career, and transfer counseling
- Support with your educational plan

Requirements for Participation
- Entering 1st-Year Student at LAHC with a declared STEM Major or interest in STEM
- Commit to 5 weeks of Friday Seminars
- Meeting with a STEM Counselor
- Participate in Counseling 22 Course (1 unit)
- Participate in virtual STEM-related field trips
- Present your project at program conclusion

Career/Skills Development
- Initiative
- Networking
- Teamwork
- Problem-solving
- Communication
- Self-confidence
- Support with your resume
- Learning about paid internships
- Introduction to STEM Professional Guest Speakers
You will be placed in one of the following Friday Seminars:
(Hover over image for description)
To participate, complete the STEM STEP Student Agreement Form (CLICK HERE)
Seminar focus: Contemporary Issues in Health and Human Diseases. This seminar will present human anatomy and the chains of infectious diseases and viruses along with the historical perspective and social responses during a pandemic. Students will learn basic principles of biology and public health in general and COVID-19 in particular.
Seminar content: Immunology, vaccines, short-term and long-term effects of COVID-19, testing and treatment, and science/public health professional guest speakers. Students will test the pH of different hand sanitizers as part of their at-home project.
Seminar intended participants: Science and public health majors and pre-health majors including pre-med, pre-veterinarian, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-optometry, pre-nursing, and pre-dental.
Seminar focus: Engineering Concepts. This seminar will discuss using the engineering design process of identifying the need, researching the problem, developing possible solutions, constructing prototypes, and testing and evaluating the prototypes.
Seminar content: Physics, engineering, compression, tension, statistics, and engineering professional guest speakers. Students will design and build a balsa wood bridge as part of an at-home project.
Seminar intended participants: Engineering majors including aerospace, civil, mechanical, electrical, and construction engineering management.
Seminar focus: Data Science Concepts. This seminar will present one of the fastest-growing fields, with some of the best paying jobs, in STEM. Using real-world examples and exercises, students will learn what Data Science is, how it is used across a wide variety of fields and professions, how to prepare for data science as a major, and what career opportunities they can expect once they complete a degree in Data Science.
Seminar content: Basic tools and techniques of data science as well as basic requirements for a data science degree and the different jobs performed by data scientists. Students will work on a project at home applying data science concepts.
Seminar intended participants: Students who like computers, statistics, making lists organizing things or solving puzzles, or are just interested in learning about the world of data.