Math Tutoring
The Math Lab is a part of the Math Department and is staffed by an Instructional Assistant and trained tutors.
Math Lab tutors are available throughout the day for students enrolled in basic and advanced-level math courses.
Students may study individually or in small groups and have questions answered on an individual or group basis.
The Math Lab is located in LLRC 103B.
Math Lab hours for Fall and Spring:
Monday - Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 2pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
For more information on the Math Lab, please click here.
Science Tutoring
Through the Library + Learning Research Center (LLRC), students are also able to get tutoring in individual subjects, including science.
Free tutorial services are available for LAHC students enrolled in:
- Anatomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Microbiology
- Physiology
To view tutoring hours for the above classes, please click here.