Contract Ed

Contract Education at Los Angeles Harbor College is designed to provide customized training support to employers who seek to maintain and increase the productivity of their workforce.

Our goal is to provide local businesses with education and training programs designed to meet specific and immediate needs of employers in a variety of industry sectors. Our educational opportunities range from: Short-term training seminars to long-term training programs in a variety of formats including credit bearing courses that apply towards a college degree and/or not for credit that meet an employers' specific training needs. LAHC has access to an extensive group of instructors who are experts in their fields and up to date with current trends and the latest advancements in their respective industries.

Instruction can take place either at your workplace or in our classrooms, labs, or in the field. We offer: day, evening and weekend training, developed around your organizations needs and this approach allows you the flexibility of selecting date(s) and the number of hours for your training program.

For more information please call our main office at (310) 233-4042.