College-to-Career Workplace Readinessâ
2018 Spring Resource Guide
Whether it's your first semester or you are a returning student, the LA Harbor College ASO is interested in your success. That is why we have partnered with various college programs to bring you the College-to-Career Workplace Readiness Guide.
The College-to-Career Workplace Readiness Guide provides a comprehensive list of workshops and services to help aid students and faculty in identifying the work/life resources that students need to excel in a field of study while preparing for a lucrative career.
This guide is ideally used as a resource to help students identify and participate in on-campus workshops and services that strengthen the skills they will need to succeed.
Students can engage in their own success by using this guide to seek out new career development opportunities, or address challenges that they may have with basic skills or work/life balance.
Faculty may offer extra credit or use this guide as a way to encourage students to participate in their own career development, as a tool to support basic skills remediation, or as a way to enhance soft-skills in the curriculum.
As a job placement tool, this resource provides the foundations for career development, and refers students to new opportunities to receive career advice and gain work experience.
Even Alumni will find that this guide can bring new opportunities to grow professionally while giving them a chance to make a difference in the lives of current LAHC students. Because once you're a Seahawk, you're always a Seahawk.
Workplace Readiness Workshops
Consolidated Calendar for SPRING 2018
Below is a list of upcoming Workplace Readiness Workshops that prepare students to obtain jobs and internships.
Check this page frequently for changes and NEW workshops!
08/08 | How to Build Your Network Using Social Media (LinkedIn & Personal Website) | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
08/13-08/16 | HA Summer Bridge * Students Choose One Day ONLY! |
8:00am - 5:00 pm | Meet at the Music Hall! | HA |
08/14 | STEM STEP SUMMER BRIDGE DAY 1 | 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm | TBA | STEM |
08/15 | Guest Speaker TBA | 4:45 pm - 7:00 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
08/15 | STEM STEP SUMMER BRIDGE DAY 2 | 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm | TBA | STEM |
08/16 | STEM STEP SUMMER BRIDGE DAY 3 | 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm | TBA | STEM |
08/17 | STEM STEP SUMMER BRIDGE DAY 4: FIELD TRIP TO THE PORT OF LOS ANGELES | 10:00 am - 3:30 pm | Transportation Provided! Please meet the group at Technology Building by the side of parking lot 6. See the campus map attached above for details. | STEM |
08/22 | Real-Time Resume Writing and College Central Network | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
09/12 | Introducing College Central Network (CCN) Your Source for Jobs and Internships | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
09/13 | Real Time Resume Writing | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
09/18 | Basics of Professionalism *Job Fair Requirement for onsite interview |
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | GC 101 | CJPC |
09/19 | Basics of Professionalism *Job Fair Requirement for onsite interview |
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | GC 101 | CJPC |
09/25 | Mock Interviews | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Technology Building 110 | CJPC |
09/26 | Fall 2018 Job Fair | 8:00 am - 1:00 pm | LAHC Music Hall and Theater Courtyard | SWP |
09/26 |
Explore Careers Related to Your Major | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
10/05 | Field Trip * Transportation will be Provided |
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm | TBD | STEM |
10/09 | Professional Branding | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | GC 101 | CJPC |
10/10 | Professional Branding | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | GC 101 | CJPC |
10/10 | Resume Review Workshop | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
10/11 | Getting Started with LinkedIn | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
10/16 | Industry Spotlight: Women in STEM | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | TBD | STEM |
10/16 | Resume Writing Workshop | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
10/17 | Resume Writing Workshop | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
10/18 | Resume Writing Workshop | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
10/24 | How to Apply for a Paid Summer Internship | TBD | TBD | CJPC |
10/30 | Digital Portfolio Workshop | 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
10/31 | Digital Portfolio Workshop | 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
11/01 | Digital Porfolio Workshop | 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
11/06 | Searching for Jobs & Internships (CCN) | 12:30 pm -2:00 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
11/06 | STEM Guest Speaker Week Government | TBA | Technology 110 | STEM |
11/07 | STEM Guest Speaker Week Business/Private Industry | TBA | Technology 110 | STEM |
11/07 | Searching for Jobs & Internships (CCN) | 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
11/08 | STEM Guest Speaker Week Non-Profit | TBA | Technology 110 | STEM |
11/08 | Searching for Jobs & Internshps (CCN) | 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm | NEA 124 & 126 | CJPC |
11/28 | How to Apply for a Paid Summer Internship | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Science Complex 201 | CJPC |
11/29 | Field Trip | TBA | TBA | STEM |
- Space is Limited
- Open to all LAHC Students
- Faculty are encouraged to consider extra credit options for students to participate in these workplace readiness events
How do I get involved?
Learning doesn't just take place inside the classroom, in fact classroom time accounts for only a small percentage of a student's day. How do we engage students outside of class?
LAHC programs and services include a variety of free workshops, leadership/ASO club, and workforce development opportunities designed to help students in different aspects of their work-life. By offering incentives, LAHC faculty can encourage students to engage in their own academic and professional success. The workplace readiness opportunities contained in this guide, provide opportunities for faculty who wish to enhance career pathway development to not only promote student learning outcomes but strengthen the campus community. For more information on how you might enhance your course/program through workplace readiness resources contact: Michael Caress or Van Benford at (310) 233-4042 or by email at @email.
College is an exciting time in your life, for many students it's the first real sense of freedom and taking charge of their future. You took the first step by enrolling in college but what now? Take a chance and invest in yourself. Getting involved on campus offers many perks including but not limited to: meet new people and network, relieve stress, become more focused, learn new skills, create new opportunities, and build your resume. Can't find an ASO Club that interests you? Why not create your own? LAHC makes it easy for you to follow your passions. The organization is here, and the registration process is simple. The only thing missing is you. For more information on how you can contribute to the campus community contact: Ajay Aquino at @email
Workplace Readiness Consolidated Calendar Contacts:
GTL | California Career Pathways Trust | Michael Caress | (310) 233-4042 |
LSC | Life Skills Center | Bonnie Bernstein | (310) 233-4586 |
LLC | Library & Learning Resource Center | Jonathon Lee | (310) 233-4475 |
AMETLL | Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering Technology Linked Learning | Barbara Christie | (310) 233-4198 |
CAA | Career Advancement Academy | Van Benford | (310) 233-4153 |
CLW | CalWORKs | Angeles Zesati | (310) 233-4049 |
EOPS | Extended Opportunity Programs & Services | Dawn Reid | (310) 233-4267 |
HA | Harbor Advantage | Sean Foley | (310) 233- 4106 |
| Job & Career Placement Center | (310) 233-4163 |
Learn from Professional Opportunities: What's in it for me?
Job Placement
Los Angeles Harbor College is pleased to offer our students access to College Central Network® . This online platform provides the opportunity to:
Search for jobs and internships
Upload your resume
Build a portfolio
Track your job search activities
Create your College Central Network Account today by clicking the following link
Internships allow you to apply academic knowledge learned in class in a real work environment. By being part of an internship, students learn to answer the question: "Is this what I want to do as a career"? Internships can come in a variety of opportunities. They can be designed as part of the curriculum, offered as a paid or non-paid position, or come with a variety of structured and un-structured time commitments. For more information on the Seahawk Internship Program and other internship opportunities: Michael Caress at @email or visit to find out more information
Service learning gives students a unique opportunity to better themselves as a leader by becoming a more involved member of their community. By participating in service learning and other volunteer opportunities, students gain real-world experience, build positive relationships, and learn how to make a difference in their school, at work, and in their community. For more information on Service Learning and other volunteer opportunities email Yanez Mercy at @email or visit to find out more information
Mentorships have countless benefits for both the mentor and mentee. As a student you have access to professionals who help look out for your best interests, navigate through your career objectives, develop new skills and gain exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking. The mentorship relationship is mutually beneficial for both the mentor and mentee, so the college relies on its Alumni and the business community to provide mentors that are not only seeking to support the LAHC student, but are interested in their own professional growth. For more information on the Seahawk Mentoring Program and other mentoring opportunities: Michael Caress at @email or visit to find out more information
ASO Student Activities/Organization Directory
Los Angeles Harbor College Associate Student Organization (ASO) -
Los Angeles Harbor College is much more than a place to get your college credits, it is a campus community of resources. The ASO is rooted in student participation and involvement on campus. The ASO emphasizes student participation and personal growth. Students are given the opportunity to direct themselves via the ASO Senate and Inter-Club Council. Students learn democratic procedures, the political process, and build leadership skills. The ASO Senate seeks to enhance student life and build a strong campus community through the development of campus programs and activities. ASO Officers serve as the voice of Harbor College students through efforts in advocacy both locally and statewide. The ASO invites you to become a member.
For more information on how you or your organization can get involved email Ajay Aquino at @email or visit
As a member, you will enjoy these great privileges:
- $3.00 off Parking
- Free Admission to Athletic home games
- Club Access
- Provide Club Events
- Discount rates to play games at the Seahawk Lounge
- 5 FREE scantrons/ 10 FREE copies