
Counseling aims to advance the academic and personal skills of students through its various course offerings. Counseling courses include: Counseling 001, 002, 004, 006, 017, 020, 022, and 040. Please refer to the most recent schedule of classes for course availability.

001 - Introduction to College (1) UC:CSU

The purpose of this course is to provide information which will help the student to succeed in college work. Emphasis is placed on proper study techniques, note-taking methods, and procedures for preparing college papers and reports. The student learns about the college, its administrative organization, its plans and facilities for education, and its services to the student. All phases of college activity are presented.

002 - Interpersonal Relationships (1) CSU​

This course will provide the student with the opportunity to explore personal skills that will help promote success in school as well as in other aspects of his/her life.

004 - Career Planning (1) CSU

This is an educational and vocational course designed to assist the vocationally undecided student to make a meaningful decision regarding a career goal. The course includes vocational interest tests, various self-appraisal techniques, and information regarding occupational characteristics, trends, entry level, and career ladder roles. Data presented will serve as an aid to career development and insights into a student’s abilities, interests, values, and personality as they apply to decision making and the selection of a firm career choice. Working with this information, students will develop a tentative vocational plan.

006 - Career Planning for Students (1) CSU​

This course is designed ​to assist students with disabilities in the exploration and development of career goals with an emphasis on individual interests and lifestyle, values, personality traits, and abilities. Topics covered include vocational assessment, career exploration, resume writing, interview skills, and job-seeking strategies. Workplace accessibility and the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will be discussed.

017 - College Survival Skills Development (1) UC:CSU

This course provides the student with a variety of survival skills necessary to be a successful college student. Course includes instruction in using the library, study skills, time management, effective communication, self-esteem, stress management, and developing a healthy life style. Campus services are explored.

020 - Post-Secondary Education: the Scope of Career Planning (3) UC:CSU

This course provides students with the information to make appropriate educational, career and lifestyle choices. Topics examined include educational programs and their requirements, career resources and the career decision-making process, study skills and the elements of a healthy lifestyle. Students will design their own individualized educational plan.

022 - The Transfer Process (1) CSU

This course is an introduction to the transfer process. It is designed to enable students to become active participants in planning their long-term educational and career goals and will provide students with an understanding of the process and the requirements for transferring to a four year college or university. These goals will enable the student to develop a transfer educational plan. The course will consist of lecture, use of internet resources, guest speakers, and student assignments.

040 - College Success Seminar (3) UC:CSU​

This course introduces students to the study of the educational, psychological, intellectual, social, and health-related factors that impact lifelong learning, well-being, and success. Students engage topics such as motivation, critical thinking, learning strategies, time management, communication strategies, career exploration, and educational planning by means of active learning strategies such as classroom activities and discussions, peer presentations, real world scenarios, and collaborative problem-solving assignments.