How can I meet with a Counselor? Visit Counseling Services for more information

How do I clear a prerequisite?

A prerequisite is a course that must be completed before registering for a class.

How do I know if a class has a prerequisite?
Our registration system might tell you that you do not meet the prerequisite when you try to register for a class. You can also check the class schedule and catalog. In the class schedule, it will be written in bold within the course description.

How do I clear a prerequisite?
You will need to show proof that you have taken the prerequisite course somewhere else by providing an unofficial transcript to a Drop-In Counselor. or you can Submit a Prerequisite Clearance Form

How can I get a foreign transcript evaluated? Visit ​Foreign Transcript Evaluation for service options
Where can I find major descriptions, course descriptions, and general education requirements? View the College Catalog for details about each area
How do I determine which courses are available each semester? View our Schedules & Catalog page or sign into your student portal
How do add a class once the semester has started?

Contact Course Professor/Instructor to obtain a Permission Code to be able to add the Class

Instructor contact Information is located in the class "Notes" Section.