
Financi​al Aid

​California Dream Act Allows eligible undocumented students to apply and receive state-based financial aid such as: private scholarships funded through public universities, state administered financial aid, university grants, community college fee waivers, and Cal Grants.​

Scholarship Opportunities

An application that will help you navigate available scholarships.

MALDEF Scholarship Resource Guide (2019-2020)​
A scholarships resource guide that contains a list of scholarship that you might qualify for.

Mexican - American Dream Scholarship
Counsel of Mexican Federation (COFEM), as well as sponsoring partners, have come together to provide scholarships to outstanding students.

My Undocumented Life
Find a list of scholarships with deadlines and requirements.

Salvadorian-American Leadership and Educational Fund​ (SALEF)
Scholarship meant to support undergraduate, graduate and professional students. Scholarship recipients are expected to complete community service hours​.


*The organizations listed are NOT endorsed by LAHC or any staff member. They are merely here as a referral.

Asian American Advancing Justice
This organization provides legal support to those seeking this type of services. You must call for a phone intake. Their services go from advice over the phone to legal representation if it's needed.

The Central American Resource Center is a non-profit that was created to advocate for the rights of Central Americans. Today they serve all communities over the Los Angeles region. Some of their services include legal services, DACA Renewals, community engagement, etc.

The Coalition for Human and Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, is a non-profit created to advocate for the rights of immigrants in Los Angeles. They assist with DACA renewals, legal aid, and community engagement.

Immigrants Rising
Previously known as E4FC, this organization is dedicated to providing educational resources to undocumented students and educators across the nation. You can find a list of scholarships, business kits, presentations, updates, etc.

National Immigration Center
The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income.

A website dedicated to sharing resources for undocumented individuals. You will be able to navigate multiple resources such as know your rights, DACA faqs, etc.

Office Hours & Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 12:00PM​
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Union 205


Email: @email​​
Phone: (213) 761-8976

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