Special Programs and Services

​​Student Resources​​

​In response to ​the COVID-19, Los Angeles Commutity College District has closed all campus to students and the general public until further notice. We are currently working on a virtual Special Programs and Services where students can receive most if not all the same services as they would if they were on campus. Please bear with us during this transition. Stay safe and healthy!​

Health information

  • ​Symptoms
  • Prevention
  • Treatments

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Infected people have had a wide range of symptoms reported – from mild symptoms to severe illness.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

Learn more on cdc.gov

For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.


Mon - Thursday: 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Email: @email
Phone: (424) 367-160

If you would like to add into an online class that is already closed, you must contact the instructor to request permission to add.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Tab and enter or Click on the question to view the answer.

SPS is a program designed to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to all of the educational offerings at Los Angeles Harbor College. The program facilitates equal opportunity through the provision of appropriate support services, curriculum, instruction, and adaptive technology.

High school special education programs are legally required to provide whatever services, accommodations or modifications that are needed for the student to be successful. Different laws require colleges to provide "equal access" to education. Access is provided through "reasonable" accommodations. Unlike high school, colleges do not have a "school within a school." Except for a handful of special classes, students in college are mainstreamed with nondisabled students, are required to do the same work, and are held to the same grading standards. This means that mainstream courses are never modified to make passing them easier for students with disabilities.

Complete an SPS application in our office and bring along with you documentation to verify your disability. SPS needs signed documentation from an appropriate professional that includes your functional limitations.

Yes. The only time SPS shares the information about a student's disability or the services provided is when SPS gets a court order, when the student gives us written permission, or when there is an emergency.

Yes. Students may choose which counselor to see. However, the availability of a particular counselor is dependent on department scheduling.

An accommodation is anything "reasonable" that must be done to provide students with disabilities with equal access to the programs and services of the College. Reasonable accommodations are support services which allow a student to have equal access to the educational process without altering fundamental college requirements or endangering the health and safety of other individuals.

Students must request any accommodations and provide documentation to prove that their disability requires those accommodations. If a student does not request an accommodation or provide documentation, the College is not required to provide it.

Each student and his/her Special Program and Services counselor will discuss all appropriate accommodations needed. The counselor will work with SPS staff to set up the accommodations and will make sure the student receives them.

Services are offered according to the specific disability. Some services include:

  • Adaptive computer technology such as, voice recognition, screen readers, or print enlargement
  • Extended time and/or distraction free environment for exams, quizzes, and lab practicums
  • Specialized classes designed for students with disabilities
  • Priority Registration and Registration Assistance
  • E-text and/or audio format
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Specialized tutoring
  • Recording devices
  • Interpreters
  • TDD or TTY
  • Notetakers

No. Privacy laws prohibit SPS from sharing information about your disability without your permission. You must provide Special Programs and Services with sufficient information about your disability to be eligible for reasonable accommodations. Once we receive verifying documentation about your disability, we will keep it in your confidential file, separate from other college records. Disability information may be given to a college administrator only when there is a legitimate educational or safety need to know. The only exception to this would be in situations when SPS files might be subpoenaed in legal proceedings, which is an extremely rare occurrence.

Special Programs and Services can intercede on your behalf if you are a registered student with SPS. Students who believe they have been discriminated against, based upon their disability or refused appropriate accommodations should contact Special Programs and Services.

Instructors are not allowed to decide anything about a student's accommodations. Instructorsmust provide the accommodations. If you are a student experiencing difficulties with receiving your accommodations, please let Special Programs and Services know immediately.

No. The number of units students take is entirely their decision. However, sometimes, it may be necessary to be a full-time student, for example, to maintain health insurance, qualify for Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, or Financial Aid. For more information, see a Special
Programs and Services counselor.

No. All services are free to qualifying students with documented disabilities enrolled at Harbor College.

The fact that a student has a disability does not mean that any of the costs of college will be waived. However, a student may be eligible for Harbor’s Financial Aid Program and/or for the State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (see a Special Programs and Services counselor for more information).

Special Programs and Services will direct you to agencies and campus departments which can help. The campus Financial Assistance office is located in SSA Building Room 114. Please check with the Financial Assistance office early each semester for specific guidelines and deadlines.

Special Programs and Services can check your college records and make recommendations. Have you returned all equipment loaned from Special Programs and Services? Do you have outstanding balances on your school account (enrollment fees, health fees, etc.)? Do you need to complete matriculation/ basic skills testing?

Special Programs and Services assists in locating volunteers to provide notetaking services. If you believe you need this service, make an appointment with a Special Program and Services Counselor to request this accommodation.

Yes. We recommend that students make an appointment and come in the week before school starts. Students may also sign up to attend one of our Special Orientations at the beginning of each semester.

Our office will gladly provide you with a campus map, and you may attend one of our Special Orientations and Tours. If you have a mobility or visual disability, we can arrange a campus orientation to point out accessible pathways, restrooms, parking, etc.

Yes. If you have a verified disability with an associated functional limitation, Special Programs and Services can often fax or hand deliver any paperwork that needs to go to Admissions and Records and other offices on campus.

First, see a Special Program and Services counselor. The counselor will explain any options and make suggestions about strategies the student can do to help the situation. Never just stop going to class! Also, students should discuss their concerns with their instructors. Instructors are a great resource. If the student feels that he/she cannot do the work in a class, make sure to officially drop the class. It is the students’ responsibility to drop courses!

Yes you can, although you must drop the class/classes by a certain date each semester. Important dates can change each semester and are located in the current class schedule. If a course is not dropped by the deadline, you may receive a failing grade or a “W”. You should make an appointment with an SPS counselor to discuss your educational plan.

Yes. You should make an appointment with one of our counselors, specifically to analyze your educational needs and disability-related accommodations. Our goal is to help you succeed a Harbor College!

You may call the front desk to schedule an appointment with a counselor (310) 233-4629. The front desk can also inform you of when counselors will hold “Drop-In” hours. For drop-in hours, there are no appointments, and counselors will gladly help “walk-ins.”

Please notify us immediately, so we may connect you with a Life Skills counselor as soon as possible. In addition, the Student Health Center may provide medical assistance.

Online Counseling

  1. Only use the latest version of Chrome (preferred) or FireFox when using Cranium Café Download them here:
  2. Review the 4 minute "How to login to Cranium Cafe" video at least 20 minutes before your appt.
    Another helpful video to watch is "Sharing your Webcam & Allowing Permissions in Chrome"
  3. Once you're logged in, test out your Camera and Microphone If you are having audio/video technical difficulty try refreshing your browser. This usually addresses most issues.
  4. For the best experience use either a laptop or desktop computer
    If possible, use a device that has a webcam and microphone to communicate
    If you are using a mobile device download the Cranium Cafe App. If the app is unavailable or not working simply use your Google Chrome browser on your mobile device.
  • When a counselor/ staff is available for a Chat session, you will see a green ONLINE indicator.
Cranium Cafe Online Indicator

Online Etiquette

  1. If possible try to have a quiet space to meet or withat least a space with minimal distractions.
  2. Please log in a few minutes before your appointment time and wait for your invitation to join the Lobby.
  3. The counselor/staff member will add you to an individual session at the time of your appointment.
  4. If you haven't downloaded the Chrome or FireFox screen share extension for Cranium Cafe (ConexED) before logging into your appointment, your counselor will walk you through this step.
  5. Once you are done with your session, click Exit Meeting to take the survey so that you can be better served in the future.
  6. Remember that even in an online environment, students still are expected to follow the college's student code of conduct.