Early Decision
The Early Decision Program encourages high school seniors to consider Harbor College and the benefits being offer in this educational institution. There are many programs and Services for students such as: First Year Experience (FYE), Honors, EOPS, CHAMPS (for students athletes), Transfer Center, and many more. We review both the outstanding transfer services and also the occupational program opportunities.
Summer & Fall 2024 Registration Events!
Click HERE to register for any of the registration events.

Program Components
Classroom / Application Presentations:
Virtual Classroom Presentations will be conducted to students. LAHC outreach staff will be doing Virtual Motivational Presentations about going to college, review the benefits of a community college education, discuss how college life is structured, and describe the components of the Early Decision Program. Students will be given an admissions application to the college, (go to page footer and click the 'Apply' button), a supplemental application form, scholarship information and a flyer with all important dates. A virtual step-by-step instruction on how to complete the admissions application will be done by one of our staff members.
Financial Aid Application Workshops:
To complete your FAFSA 2021 - 2022 application click here.
For more information contact the Outreach office.
Weekly Campus Visitations:
The Outreach Team visits our local feeder high schools on a regular basis when they are in session. Campus visits can also be scheduled with our office. 310.233.4330 or via email: outreach @lahc.edu
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Fridays: 8:00am - 12:00 noon via Cranium - Cranium Cafe
Placement / Orientation:
Self Placement (AB 705) and Virtual Orientation will be available for students (more information to come).
Follow-up by LAHC Outreach staff:
Students who have missed any of the above components are tracked and provided follow-up services to assist them. Since they did not participate in the Early Decision Program, they are provided information on how to complete the process and informed about the subsequent registration dates. Staff does follow-up with students throughout the summer to ensure that students show for the fall semester.