Los Angeles Harbor College Building

Office of Compliance

Office of Compliance

The Office of Compliance is responsible for performing advisory, investigative, and analytical mediation and training duties related to the processing of complaints, grievances and appeals in areas such as equal employment opportunity, sexual harassment, gender equity, civil rights practices, and accommodation of the disabled and grievance resolution for students, faculty, and staff at Harbor College.

Most complaints, grievances, or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the campus level. For issues not resolved at the campus level, students may utilize a state administered complaint process [HEA Title IV, CFR, Sections 600.9 and 668.4 (3)(b)].

Drug-Free Workplace Policy​

In accordance with Section 22 of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Los Angeles Harbor College strives to maintain a drug and alcohol free campus for its students and employees. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, use of, possession by students and college employees of illegal controlled substances or alcohol in all buildings, property, facilities, service areas, or on District business is prohibited (per Board Rules regarding Standards of Conduct, Section 9803.19).

The College maintains a drug and alcohol free awareness policy to inform students and employees about the dangers and health risks of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace, on the campus and during college sponsored activities. Students and employees will be informed of the sanction that will be imposed for policy violations and the availability of drug/alcohol counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation assistance. This policy statement serves and the annual notification as required by law. All students and employees are required to comply with this policy as a condition of their continued student status or employment.

Any student or employee violating this policy may be required to participate satisfactorily in a substance abuse rehabilitation program, and/or may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, dismissal, or exclusion under applicable District Policies. In addition, an employee convicted of any workplace drug crime, must notify the college Personnel Office within five (5) days of conviction.

​Equal Opportunity Compliance

L.A. Harbor College is committed to the philosophy of equal opportunity/equal access in all its employment, educational programs, and services. Thus, we are firmly committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, age, handicap, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran status in our employment or educational programs and activities. Lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to access and participation in the occupational programs. However, many classes require competency in English. The college will offer assistance in acquiring English language skills. Inquiries regarding the equal opportunity policies or the filing of grievances may be directed to: LACCD, Office of Affirmative Action, at (213) 891-2000 x2315.

Smoke-Free Workplace Policy

LAHC is committed to promoting a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Therefore, smoking is prohibited on campus. "No Smoking on Campus" signs have been posted at various locations around campus. AB 795./Govt. Code 7597(a)


Smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco products is prohibited inside all college facilities and in all vehicles maintained by the college. The college also prohibits the use, sale or promotion of all tobacco products in any facility controlled by the college or as part of any college sponsored activity. In addition to the use of any tobacco product by an athlete, coach or staff member during any athletic event or practice is prohibited by the state athletic code.

​Sexual Harassment Policy

The policy of the Los Angeles Community College District is to provide an educational, employment and business environment free from unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment. Employees, students or other persons acting on behalf of the District who engage in sexual harassment, as defined by the District's policy or by state or federal law shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, expulsion or termination of contract. The specific rules and procedures for reporting charges of sexual harassment and for pursuing available remedies are incorporated in the LACCD Board Rules, Chapter 15. The Los Angeles Community College District has a policy which provides formal and informal procedures for resolving complaints. Copies of the policy and procedures may be obtained by contacting LACCD, Office of Affirmative Action at (213) 891-2000 x2315, the college Advocate for Students, Yvonne Pueblos (310) 233-4038, or by calling the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services at (213) 891-2279.

Any member of the College Community, which includes students, faculty, and staff, who believes, perceives, or actually experienced conduct that may constitute sexual harassment, has the right to seek the help of the College. Every employee has the responsibility to report such conduct when it is directed towards students to the Sexual Harassment Compliance Officer. Potential complainants are advised that administrative and civil law remedies, including but not limited to injunctions, restraining orders or other orders may be made available.

​College Security and Safety

Los Angeles Harbor College prides itself on the safe environment that exists to encourage learning and enrichment for our community. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors form a partnership in creating and maintain that environment. The College maintains a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week campus security facility in the PE Wellness Building, staffed by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs. Contact number (310) 233-4600. Following are the latest annual crime statistics with comparison years under code 20 United States Code 1092F:

This information is published in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). For more information and to obtain the college's Annual Security Report, go to http://www.lahc.edu/sheriff/crimestats.html.