Group Students in Campus

Discipline Process

Discipline Process

Student Discipline

Grievance ProcedureAdditional Services

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Every effort should be made to informally resolve an issue with a student's misbehavior. All matters of discipline surrounding disciplinary probation, suspension, suspension of Financial Aid or expulsion are to be formally pursued by the Vice President of Student Services in accordance with Board rules.

Immediate action is required in situations where the student is threatening to use physical violence towards self or others, or abusing alcohol or other controlled substances. The Sheriff's department should immediately be notified at extension 4600.

Verbally notify student to discontinue behavior.

If behavior continues, complete and give student Los Angeles Harbor College Unsatisfactory Behavior Notice, sending a signed copy to the Student Services Office for appropriate recording

In order to suspend a student for up to two class periods, the instructor must notify the department chair and an Unsatisfactory Notice Form must be completed; in accordance with standard procedure, the instructor may suspend the student for the day of and the following class session.

The Department Chair must notify the appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs and a copy of the Unsatisfactory Notice must be given to the student, Dept. Chair, Dean of Academic Affairs.

Students may be referred to meet with the Vice President of Student Services prior to returning to class, if the instructor deems it necessary.

The Vice President of Student Services initiates suspension over 72 hours and expulsions when warranted and with notification to the President.

All expulsions must be approved by the President and Board of Trustees.

The Vice President of Student Services, along with Deputy Nikos Guskos, will meet with the student to notify of the nature and length of the suspension or expulsion, provide disciplinary forms, and discuss the hearing processes, as per Board Rule 91101.

Warning – Written or oral notice to the student that continuation or repetition of misconduct may result in disciplinary action

Reprimand – Written censure for violation of specific regulations

Restitution – Required reimbursement for damage or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service or compensation for damage.

Disciplinary Probation – Specific period of conditional participation in campus and academic affairs, which may involve exclusion from designated privileges or extracurricular activities.

Removal by Instructor – A student may be removed (suspended) from class for the day of the incident and the next class meeting, by the instructor.

Immediate Suspension – The Vice President of Student Services may immediately suspend a student from campus, acting under an emergency to protect lives or property and/or to insure the maintenance of order.

Suspension – Temporary exclusion from student status, or other privileges or activities, for a specified period of time, not to exceed ten (10) days. A student may be suspended with a right to a disciplinary hearing up to two semesters or an academic year. The student Ombudsperson is Gary Gonzales, ext. 4651.

Suspension Subject to Reconsideration – The Vice President of Student Services may recommend to the President temporary termination of student status, or the suspension of the student from one or more of the following: 1) classes, 2) activities, 3) services, 4) programs, or 5) specific locations on campus; subject to reconsideration after a specified length of time and with specific grounds for reconsideration.

Suspension of Financial Aid – Ineligibility for state financial aid for a predetermined period not to exceed two years, for willfully and knowingly disrupting the orderly operation of the campus.

Expulsion – Permanent termination of student status. There is no right of reconsideration of a permanent expulsion at any time. On its own motion, the Board of Trustees may reconsider such actions at any time.

Violation of the Following Codes of Conduct:

  1. Willful Disobedience
  2. Violation of College Rules and Regulations
  3. Dishonesty
  4. Unauthorized Entry
  5. Forgery, Alteration or Misuse of College Documents
  6. Disruption of Classes
  7. Theft or Damage to Property
  8. Interference with Peace of College
  9. Assault or Battery
  10. Alcohol and/or Substance Use
  11. Lethal Weapons
  12. Discriminatory Behaviors
  13. Unlawful Assembly
  14. Conspiring to Perform Illegal Acts
  15. Threatening Behavior
  16. Disorderly Conduct
  17. Theft or Abuse of Computer Resources
  18. Interference with Classes
  19. Interference with Performance of Duties of Employees
  20. Assault or Abuse of an Instructor
  21. Unsafe Conduct Related to Safety Regulations