Sexual Misconduct/Title IX

Who to Contact at LAHC

If you are a victim of sexual assault on campus, you should immediately contact the Sheriff's Department at (310) 233-4600 or the Campus Violence Response Team. Los Angeles Harbor College's Campus Violence Response Team includes the following members:

Dr. Genice Sarcedo-Magruder
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for West Los Angeles, Los Angeles Harbor, Southwest Los Angeles, Los Angeles City and Los Angeles Pierce Colleges, and the Educational Services Center (inclusive of all satellite campuses)
Regional Equity & Title IX Officer and Dean
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Attention: Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 891-2315
Email: @email

Brittany Grice
District Title IX Coordinator
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Attention: LACCD Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 891-2315
Email: @email

LAHC Sheriff's Department
Phone: (310) 233-4600

Los Angeles Harbor College strongly encourages timely reporting of sexual assaults, so that evidence may be collected and preserved. Campus law enforcement and the Campus Violence Response Team can ensure that immediate medical attention is provided, assure the victim that confidentiality will be maintained (unless the victim otherwise consents), inform the victim of legal and disciplinary options, and provide the victim with appropriate referrals.

Confidentiality of Victims and Other Necessary Parties
All records regarding an investigation or complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment shall be confidential and shall not be revealed except as required or permitted by law. (LACCD Board Rule 15005.) Within 24 hours of being notified of a sexual assault, campus law enforcement shall, with the consent of the alleged victim, notify the College President of the sexual assault and the victim's name. (LACCD Board Rule 16200.30.)

On-Campus and Off-Campus Resources for Victims of Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking

On Campus

Off Campus