Sexual Misconduct / Title IX



Free Spirit Shelter
(323) 887-6589
(800) 548-2722

Domestic Abuse Center
Professional services to bettered women and their children
(818) 772-0176

Stop Partner Abuse
LA Gay and Lesbian Center
(323) 860-5806

Family Violence Project Jewish
Family Services
(818) 505-0900
(310) 858-9344

Center for the Pacific Asian Family
Domestic violence and domestic assault resources
(800) 334-3940
(323) 653-4042

Domestic Violence Center for Santa Clarita
(661) 259-4357

Strength United
For 24 hours assistance for sexual assault and domestic violence
(818) 933-9470

Peace Over Violence
Sexual and domestic violence, stalking, child abuse and youth violence prevention center
(213) 626-3393
(310) 392-8381
(626) 793-3385

Haven Hills
Support to victims of domestic violence, shelter, crisis intervention, counseling and more.
(818) 887-6589


Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 978-3600

Stalking Hotline
(877) 633-0044

National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799- SAFE