Associate Degree For Transfer

An option that allows students to complete an Associate's degree while satisfying lower division general education and major requirements for transfer at the same time.

If you are applying to an extremely competitive "impacted" major/campus, you also still need to visit both and the individual campus website for major-specific admission requirements to find all of the required courses and steps to be eligible and competitive for admission. See which campuses and majors are impacted here:​

Degree Benefits Include:

  • Guaranteed Admission to a CSU Please note: Admission to a particular campus or major is not guaranteed
  • Makes you more competitive for admission, when the degree is "deemed similar"
  • Makes you more competitive for admission, giving you a .1-.2 GPA bump in the CSU transferable GPA when applying to the CSU system
  • May open up opportunities to apply for winter and spring semester/quarter admission terms​
  • Guarantees that only an additional 60 units will be required after transfer to complete the Bachelor's degree

LAHC Offers the following Associate Degrees for Transfer: