Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions - Transfer Center

A student needs to complete minimum university admission requirements coursework in the major, and general education courses. There are usually a minimum number of units a student needs to complete, too. All of these depend on the college or university a student wants to attend. In general, you will need transferable English and Math classes, and possibly speech. Please see a counselor.

If a student has only attended a community college, no. But if you have attended a university or four-year college, there could be problems, and you need to consult with the university you want to transfer to. See a counselor for more information, (310) 233-4226 or -4230.

The time it takes to transfer depends on the number of units completed each term, and the minimum number of units that a transfer institution requires for admission. Most students will complete 60-70 units prior to transfer.

California colleges and universities do not require an AA to transfer unless a student intends to compete in athletics (NCAA) at the college or university. The AA Degree is a nice addition to your résumé!

Many courses transfer to LAHC, but if a student wants to know if a course transfers to a university or college, the student either needs to meet with a representative from the college or university he/she wishes to transfer to or check with a LAHC counselor.

There are some colleges and universities that guarantee admission if a student completes a specific program and earns a specific GPA. Please click to our Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) page. Do not confuse TAG with the Honors Transfer Alliance Program. While the Honors program may give students an advantage when applying, a few select colleges or universities offer guaranteed admission. See the Honors Counselor for more information.

No. Only courses specifically designated as transferable will transfer to a college or university. Even if a course is noted as transferable, students must consult with a counselor to see where these courses can be applied.

In short, the UC/CSU campuses accept applications the calendar year before the semester of transfer. UC system takes fall applications during the month of November. The CSU system takes fall applications from October 1st – November 30th and Spring applications from August 1st – August 30th. Private and out-of-state colleges and universities have different deadlines, but a student should always try to get an application in as soon as applications are being accepted, instead of waiting for the deadline.

The ability to change a major completely depends on the rules governing major changes at the college or university that a student will be attending. Check with the college or university you plan to attend. Sometimes the answer to this question is "no, you may not change your major," and other times the answer is "yes."

Yes. You are required to report all previous institutions that you have attended.

A student will have provided false information, and could potentially have his/her admission or degree revoked.

In most cases, W's are not a focus of admission decisions unless there is an excessive number of W's over a period of time.

For the University of California and the California State University, there is no problem taking general education or electives on a credit/no credit basis. Courses in your major should be taken for a letter grade. In rare instances, a credit is factored into your GPA as a "C".

The GPA necessary for admission varies from campus to campus and from major to major. When available, GPA requirements are posted on our Transfer Opportunities website.

California has two public university systems. The UC system emphasizes a theory-based approach to learning, and offers doctorate programs in most disciplines, along with graduate opportunities in medicine, dentistry, business, law, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. The CSU offers traditional and career-specific majors, with graduate opportunities at the Master's level.

Yes. There will be some limitations based on where the work was completed.

You must contact each campus to determine their policy on receiving a second Bachelor's. An increasing number of CSUs and UCs are no longer accepting students working on a second Bachelor's.

Regardless of the AA you earn, you may transfer with a different major.

Most private schools will accept transfer students using high school grades and test scores if they wish to transfer before completing 30-semester units. The UC and CSU system do not require high school grades and test scores when a student transfers as a junior, although they may ask you to send them your high school transcript.

At LAHC, you should complete as much coursework in both majors prior to transfer as time and energy permits. Universities and colleges have different rules about double majors, so a student would need to check with the specific institution.

To "minor" in a subject means to take a prescribed number of courses relating to a specific subject, in addition to your major courses.

The GPA necessary for admission varies from campus to campus and from major to major. When available, GPA requirements are posted on our Transfer Opportunities website.

The CSU system is very accommodating to students that work full time. Also, Mount St. Mary's, Pepperdine, University of Redlands, DeVry, University of Phoenix, Woodbury and Antioch Universities are accommodating.

Time to degree is a result determined by the number of requirements a student completes prior to transfer, the number of requirements remaining to be completed, and the amount of units a student completes each term. If a student completes all of the GE, and lower division major requirements, and a total of 60 transferable semester units, and continues at the transfer institution full-time, the student should be able to graduate in two years.

The UC and CSU systems are very accommodating to part-time, slowly progressing students, but USC and some elite institutions put a great deal of importance on a strong and rigorous curriculum each term.

For a counselor, you will need to contact the main Counseling Center/Information Desk (310) 233-4226 or -4230 to schedule an appointment. There is a "Prep for Pre-Dental School" major sheet, available at the Information Desk.

As long as you are a LAHC student, you can make an appointment at the Information Desk to see a counselor, (310) 233-4226 or -4230.

To have your transcripts G.E. certified indicates to a UC/CSU that you have satisfied a certain amount of lower-division general education requirements that waives you from taking additional lower-division G.E.s at the university level. (It saves time and money.) Please note that there are departments at certain campuses that do not recommend G.E. certification (as in the case of Engineering at UCLA).

It depends on where you plan to transfer but very few schools allow transfer students to do so. Competitive schools will require applicants to declare a major. Students must keep in mind that there is no great advantage to being undeclared at the university level. An undeclared student will be in limbo and may end up spending more money than students who transfer with a major. If you are undecided about what you would like to major in, enroll in Personal Development 4, a career planning class, or call the Career Center to make an appointment with a Career Counselor. A Career Counselor can sit down with you one-on-one and guide you through the decision making process. We highly recommend this service to students.

A grade of "D" will not satisfy a general education requirement on the IGETC, nor will it be satisfactory for your major. Currently, "D" grades may meet CSU general education certification requirements in some areas. A grade of "D" in English 101, transferable Math, Critical Thinking (like English102), or Speech is unacceptable. Please see a counselor.

Yes and no. The UC system allows you to apply to all its campuses with just one application. There is a fee for each school to which you have them send your application. The CSU system requires a separate paper application for each campus. Using the online application is an efficient way to save time.

El Camino College transfers more students simply because more ECC students apply for transfer every year. ECC numbers are in no way an indication of superior academics over Harbor or vice versa. ECC has a much larger student population than Harbor. Naturally, ECC should have more transfer students. For exact numbers, please visit the Transfer Center.

NO. It does not matter which California Community College you attend. Your California Community College is NOT a determining factor in admissions. A student's chances are enhanced based on the work they put into their academics, not where they attend.

Contact the Transfer Center (located in Student Services & Administration Building Room 105) at (310) 233-4282 to make an appointment with a visiting representative.

The IGETC and CSU G.E. sheets are lower division general education patterns that students may follow while in attendance at a CCC. Completion of these patterns waives a student from taking additional lower-division breadth requirements at a UC or CSU.

IGETC is the G.E. pattern used to satisfy lower-division general education requirements at both UC and CSU campuses. The CSU G.E. sheet is used strictly for CSUs.

To determine what courses will transfer to a UC or a CSU, log on to For California community colleges and private universities, consult with a counselor.

No, it is possible to earn an associate degree and not have taken the necessary CSU requirements. If you would like to earn an associate degree and transfer at the same time, see a counselor.

The LAHC CEEB/ETS Code is 004395 and the LAHC Financial Aid Code is 001224.

-Last Updated: 5/10/17