âDual Enrollment @ Harbor College (overview)
Los Angeles Harbor College (LAHC) offers dual enrollment in several ways:
- as part of our Middle School Outreach (ATB: After the Bell Courses)
- as part of our Student Services Outreach and Recruitment Program to High Schools (Independent Student taking College Courses)
- as part of AB 288/AB 288 (Holden) College and Career Access Pathways (AB288 CCAP) agreements (Student attending one of our Partner/Feeder Schools)
- as part of individualized Contract Education agreements for private educational partners and Industry (VHTPA)
We offer dual enrollment to our local middle school and high school students (designated feeder schools), providing these students an opportunity to gain experience and insight into:
- college-level courses
- potential college and career opportunities
- and an opportunity to complete, and receive credit for, college coursework while attending middle and high school
Dual enrollment provides academic and/or career education courses and is not intended as remedial or make-up work.
For AB288 CCAP agreements, per California's Education Code, the term "dual enrollment" is identified in Assembly Bill (AB) 288 to define "special part-time" or "special full-time" students—that is, high school or other eligible special admit students enrolling in community college credit courses (California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office's March 11, 2016 Legal Opinion 16-02).