Nursing FAQs

Nursing FAQs *Currently Updating*

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You can start off by reviewing the information on the Nursing website (Prospective Students).
If you haven’t already done so, you are required to attend an Information Session which discusses program requirements and the overall application process. Please visit the Nursing website for scheduled dates and registration links.
We also highly recommend that you meet with a college counselor to ensure you meet the requirements to apply.

Yes, please register with the links provided on the Prospective Students web page.

We recommend making an appointment with a college counselor to determine transferable courses and equivalency. Courses, including those taken at another country, out-of-state or at a private institution, may require a petition for equivalency to be submitted.

Foreign transcripts must be evaluated by an evaluation agency. Official copies of the transcripts and the evaluation results must be included with your application. We recommend that you meet with a college counselor regarding course equivalencies.

Effective for the Fall 2019 application period, W's will not count towards the repeat policy.

A repeat of both lecture and lab within the same science course will be considered one repetition.

In this case, only the grades from your earlier attempt will be used towards eligibility. However, the recent attempts will be calculated towards your overall GPA.

Foreign transcripts must be evaluated by an evaluation agency. Official copies of the transcripts and the evaluation results must be included with your application.

No we do not.

No. You may submit an unofficial transcript which will include all coursework taken within the LACCD. It is not required to send LACCD transcripts to LAHC Admissions and Records.

Official transcripts must be submitted from all institutions attended, even if the coursework will not apply towards program requirements. Your coursework will be counted towards your overall GPA.

You will find the Application guidelines on the Prospective Students page under Admission Information. During the application period timeline the Application Form will be available.

You may submit application during posted application filing periods. Please call us or visit the website for this information.

No, you are required to provide your student ID and email on your application.

We understand the anticipation from each applicant during this process. Please check your LACCD student email ( for any correspondence. Students should receive updates 6-8 weeks after the application period closes.

We will use your LACCD student email ( as the sole method of communication regarding your application. Please ensure if it correct on your application, as the Nursing department will not attempt to correct a misspelled email address and will simply mark your application as ineligible. **Please ensure that your LACCD portal is active and receiving emails. 

Eligible candidates will receive an email containing instructions for the ATI TEAS. 

Our policy states that we only look at the first attempt/score.

Remediation may be available through the Los Angeles Harbor College Nursing Department. Please contact our Student Success Advisor, Krist Brust (, for further information within 6 weeks of receiving non passing score. **Remediation request after 6 weeks of notice will not be considered. 

No. Please check with the institution you took the exam and see if remediation is available there.

We recommend to start studying for the ATI TEAS as soon as possible, in the event you are invited. Everyone has their own learning style and pace and should take the necessary steps to prepare for this exam.

Starting with the Spring 2020 application period, the Los Angeles Harbor College Associate Degree Nursing Program will be utilizing a multi-criteria admission process to select applicants. Qualified applicants will be selected as follows: 50% selected using multi-criteria admission; 50% selected using random lottery.

Twice a year: applicants are accepted at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester. Visit the website for available application filing dates.

When we send out an initial batch of invitations, the application process is still not yet done. Depending on applicant responses, we may find it necessary to select more eligible candidates. Regardless, all applicants will receive a letter of decision, acceptance or otherwise, through their student email.

In no particular order, reasons include but are not limited to incomplete application information (of any kind), excessive science repeats, science or overall GPA below 2.5, need to petition coursework for equivalency, missing pre-requisites, incomplete transcript submissions, or providing untruthful information.

We recommend that you review the Information Session slideshow to receive an overview of the program and the application process.

In addition to the completion of program requirements, you will need to enroll in four Nursing courses: 329A, 329B, 321, and 311. These courses must be taken during the Fall semester in which you you are applying for the Spring cohort. In addition, a copy of your active LVN license must be provided.

Eligible candidates who successfully complete all program requirements, the four Nursing courses, and pass the ATI TEAS will be admitted based on space availability.