Multi-Criteria Process for Admission

Starting with the SPRING 2020 application period (AUGUST 2019), the Los Angeles Harbor College Associate Degree Nursing Program will be utilizing a multi-criteria admission process to select applicants. Qualified applicants will be selected as follows:

  • 50% selected using multi-criteria admission
  • 50% selected using random lottery​

Multi-Criteria Process for Admission Worksheet​​​​​​

Eligibilit​y to Apply

  • Anatomy 001, Physiology 001, and Microbiology 020 with a "C" or better and a combined Science GPA of 2.5 or greater (Only 1 repeat of a substandard grade (D or F) allowed within the 3 science courses.)
  • English C1000 (English 101) with a "C" or better
  • Math 125 or completion in transfer level math or meet math competency
  • Psychology C1000 (Psych 001) and Psychology 041 with a "C" or better
  • No recency requirement for any coursework
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater


  1. Academic Degrees
  2. Recent work or volunteer experience
  3. Science GPA
  4. Cumulative GPA
  5. Completion of relevant course work
  6. Life experience(s)
  7. Veteran Status
  8. Asses​sment and Readiness testing (ATI TEAS)​​

Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 5 points

AA/AS/BS or higher degree 5

​​Must have official transcripts from college or university degree posted. All transcripts from outside the United States must be evaluated by an LACCD-approved foreign evaluation service.

Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 5 points


Licensed LVN, CNA, Paramedic, EMT, Respiratory Therapist, Certified Athletic Trainer (all with work experience greater or equal to 1000 hours)


For all areas, applicant must have verification from current or former human resources, employer or organization. Letter must be on organizational letterhead with an original signature and must include

  • Applicant's name
  • Start and end date (if applicable),
  • Employee status (full or part-time if applicable)
  • Total number of hours worked
  • Job or position title
  • Example of duties or attached job/position description

Medical Assistant, school health aides, unlicensed assistants personal (UAP), adapted kinesiology assistant, hospital unit based clerical or telemetry staff, Physical Therapy Aide, Medical Scribe, (all with work experience greater or equal to 1000 hours)


Clinical Care Extender, or other program of volunteer activity greater or equal to 200 hours with direct human patient care contact


Licensed or certificated healthcare workers are required to provide a copy of current license or certificate including

  • Certificate number
  • Date of issue
  • Date of expiration

Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 15 points


GPA = 4.0


Science GPA must be equal to or greater than 2.5.

GPA = 3.5


Additional points are awarded for each additional 0.1 GPA.
(e.g. 3.2 GPA = 5 + 2 = 7 points)

GPA = 3.0


GPA = 2.5


Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 15 points


GPA = 4.0


Science GPA must be equal to or greater than 2.5.

GPA = 3.5


Additional points are awarded for each additional 0.1 GPA.
(e.g. 3.2 GPA = 5 + 2 = 7 points)

GPA = 3.0


GPA = 2.5


Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 7 points

a) Completion of ALL Co-requisite courses 5

a) Co-requisite courses:

  • Communication Studies C1000 (101)* eff 2025
  • Sociology 001 or Anthropology 102
  • American Institutions (3 units)
  • Humanities (Area 3 - 3 units)

b) Completion of open Elective courses

One point each, Maximum 2 points

  • Mathematics of Drugs & Solutions (Dosage Calculation)
  • Pharmacology
  • Medical Terminology




​​​c) Completion of one or more of the following:

  • Nursing 302 Mathematics of Drugs & Solutions
  • Nursing 364 Pharmacology
  • Biology 033 Medical Terminology

Courses must be completed with a "B" or better and be a minimum of 2 semester units for each course. Equivalent courses are acceptable.

Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 3 points




Disability documented or verified by a physician or college SPS program.

Low family income


Proof or eligibility or financial aid (e.g. BOGG fee waiver, Cal Grant, Pell Grant, or other Federal grant, CalWORKs)

Disadvantaged social or educational environment


Documentation or letter of participation of eligibility for Exte​​nded Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)

First generation of family to attend college


​Completion of the ADN Supporting Documentation form (found on Nursing website) explaining situation or circu​mstances.

Difficult personal or family situations or circumstances


Refugee status


Documentation or letter from the United States Citizens and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 5 points

Active or former service 5

Copy of Defense Department Form 214 (DD214) Honorable discharge

Spouse of active or former military 5

Copy of official notice issued by the Department of Defense documenting the active duty status of a spouse.

Criteria Points Supporting Documentation

Maximum 20 points


85.0 - 100%


Overall score must be equal or greater than 62.0%.

78.0 - 84.9%


If student does not receive a passing score at LAHC, student may re-take the test once remediation is complete within a year.

71.0 - 77.9%


TEAS remediators must pass all areas of test with a score of 62.0% or higher.

62.1 - 70.9%




Total Points

75 Points calculated here should be used only a reference. Evaluators and admission committee members will be comprehensively reviewing all documents and academic coursework to determine overall eligibility.​