Nursing Program Routes

Nursing Program Routes

Program Routes

The student enters as a generic nursing student and completes all courses in the approved nursing curriculum. Completion of the program leads to the Associate of Science Degree in Nursing, Professional. Applicants must successfully complete established admission requirements. Application deadlines, continuation requirements, and program prerequisites apply to all nursing program applicants.

Students with verified previous health experience may be eligible for this route. The Policy for Transfer and Challenge may be obtained from the Health Sciences Division. All transfer courses must be verified with official transcripts prior to enrollment. The student must be in progress with classes in the first semester to establish eligibility to take challenge examinations. The maximum number of units for which a student may petition for credit by examination at the college is 15 units.

Entry by this route is on a space-available basis.

Applicants are required to meet with the Chairperson of the Health Sciences Division if considering this route for individual counseling and consideration. This option is open to applicants who possess a current California Vocational Nursing (L.V.N.) license. Completion of this option allows students to become eligible for the examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse, however completion of this option does NOT meet the requirements for the Associate of Science Degree in Nursing, Professional. Students completing this option will not be a graduate of LAHC and cannot receive the program’s nursing pin. Additionally, several states do not recognize persons completing this option as being a Registered Nurse even though they may have successfully completed the NCLEX-RN examination.

Applicants are expected to demonstrate mathematical and clinical nursing competence equivalent to a second year generic nursing student. Route 3 includes general education courses and advanced theory and clinical experiences. The student must perform satisfactorily in both theory and clinical portions of the courses to receive credit in any nursing courses and must receive a grade of “C” or better for all courses.

Entry by this route is on a space-available basis.

This route leads to graduation from the generic program with an Associate of Science Degree, Professional Nursing. An L.V.N. with a current California license may enter the generic program at an advanced level after completing the required program prerequisites and the transition semester courses. The general education co-requisites must be completed before graduation. Applicants must achieve the required cut score on the standardized admission test. Without regard to semester admitted, students are required to complete all general education and graduation requirements under Graduation Plan B in order to be awarded the Associate of Science Degree, Professional Nursing.


Entry by this route is on a space-available basis.

Transfer applicants who are requesting admission from another nursing program are considered on a space-available basis. Transfer applicants must meet all program requirements. Information may be obtained from the Health Sciences Division.


Challenge/Advanced Placement for Military-trained Health Care Personnel Policy

  1. Individuals who have documented military education and experience in health care occupations may be eligible for advanced placement into nursing program. Examples of military health care experience include Army Health Care Specialist, or Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician. The veteran must have been discharged under “honorable” conditions.
  2. Documentation of education and clinical experience for military health care occupations must demonstrate satisfactory completion of education and experience. Official transcript(s) and documentation of experience (on official letterhead) must be submitted.
  3. Applicants must meet all general entrance requirements of the Associate Degree Nursing program, including completion of designated prerequisites and achievement of required cut score on nursing readiness entrance examination.
  4. Acceptance of military challenge/advanced placement students into the Associate Degree Nursing program is contingent upon space availability.
  5. Applicants must adhere to the challenge policy and procedure, as stated in the Student Handbook and college catalog.
  6. Applicants must adhere to AP 4106 and the nursing program progression policy, as stated in the Student Handbook.

Challenge/Advanced Placement for Military-trained Health Care Personnel Procedure

  1. Submit application to college.
  2. Submit application for Associate Degree Nursing program. Refer to specific nursing program for admission policy, application, and required documentation.
  3. The application will be reviewed for appropriate educational and experience requirements, completion of pre-requisites, and other admission requirements.
  4. The applicant must take the nursing readiness entrance examination on the date specified by the nursing program.
  5. The applicant must make an appointment to meet with the Director of the nursing program within one week of passing the nursing readiness entrance examination.
  6. Upon recommendation from the program Director and after evaluation by the Admission and Records Office, the nursing application, official transcripts, and documentation of military health care occupation experience will be forwarded to the nursing program Admission Committee.
  7. The Admission Committee will determine if the candidate meets the military education and experience requirements for challenge to advanced placement.
  8. The applicant will be notified of the committee’s decision.
  9. The course syllabus will be available to the student once challenge confirmation is made. The date(s) of challenge examinations and practicums will be made available to the applicant. The applicant will follow the specific Credit by Examination policy/procedure of the nursing program, as stated in the Student Handbook and college catalog.
  10. A student must pass the examination(s) with a score of 75% or better. The clinical component evaluation will be arranged by the instructor and follow the procedures used for testing generic students in the clinical setting.
  11. Course-specific information for challenge by examination can be found in course syllabi.
  12. The Credit by Examination policy/procedure must be completed within the timeframe specified the Nursing Admission Committee.