
Petitions for credit are required If there is no current agreement or articulation of a course between one institution and LAHC.Not all courses require petitions.

It is highly recommended to see an academic counselor to ensure your courses meet admission requirements.

Majority of California Community College courses do not require petitions.

Many university courses (California State University, University of California) are accepted.

Petitions are required for courses used from all:

  • Out-of-state institutions
  • Any private institutions (e.g. Southern California University of Health Sciences)—even if they are located in California
  • Foreign institutions

Petition for Credit Process

  • Complete the Petition for Credit form. This can be found on the Counseling or Admissions and Records website. However, we recommend to see an academic counselor to determine if your courses require petitions. Additionally, you must prepare the following.
    • Transcript with the course grade
    • Course description found from your institution's catalog
    • You may also include additional items such as course syllabi
  • Submit the above items to Admission and Records. Do not submit to individual departments. Your petition will be reviewed and signed off by a department chair or administrator.
  • You will receive a signed copy of the petition from Admissions and Records by email
  • IMPORTANT: You must submit a copy of the signed, approved petition with your nursing application
  • This is not a quick process. You are responsible for timely submission of your petitions.