Pre-Requisites & Co-Requisites


Course Name & Number​ Course Name
Anatomy 001 Lecture & Lab Introduction to Human Anatomy
Physiology 001 Lecture & Lab Introduction to Human Physiology
Microbiology 020 Lecture & Lab General Microbiology
English C1000 (English 101) College Reading and Composition
Psychology C1000 (Psychology 001) General Psychology
Psychology 041 Life-Span Psychology
Math 123C / 125 or higher Intermediate Algebra (or higher e.g. STAT C1000 or Math 227)

Science​​s R​equirements

  • Grade of "C" or better (applies to Lecture and Lab if offered separately). For plus/minus grades, "C-" is not accepted.
  • Science GPA 2.5 or higher
  • All "C" grades do not equal 2.5
  • Repeats: No more than ONE (1) repeat of a substandard grade (D/F) in the science courses (Anat, Physio, Micro)
  • Currently no recency requirement

All Pr​​erequisites Requirements

  • All prerequisites listed above must be completed prior to applying to the nursing program. We do not accept courses in-progress.
  • Grade of "C" or better. For plus/minus grades, "C-" is not accepted.
  • Cumulative/Overall GPA 2.5 or higher on all coursework taken at all colleges and universities


Course Name & Number​​ Course Name
Communication Studies C1000 (101)* eff Fall 2025 Public Speaking
Sociology 001 or Anthropology 102 Introduction to Sociology or Introduction to Anthropology
American Institutions Minimum 3 semester units (LAHC AA GE pattern area "4A")
Humanities Minimum 3 semester units (LAHC AA GE pattern area "3")
Ethnic Studies Minimum 3 semester units (LACCD graduation requirement effective Fall '23/LAHC AA GE pattern area "6")
Health Education & Kinesiology Note: Students graduating from the RN program at LAHC will be waived from taking the GE grad requirement Area 7

Co-requis​ites Requirements

  • Grade of "C" or better. For plus/minus grades, "C-" is not accepted.
  • Cumulative/Overall GPA 2.5 or higher on all coursework taken at all colleges and universities
  • If you have a Bachelor's or higher from an accredited U.S. institution, you may be waived from American Institutions, Humanities​ and Ethnic Studies* eff Fall 2025

LVN-RN Adv​anced Placement

Course Name & Number​ Course Name
Nursing 329A Role Transition
Nursing 329B​ Role Transition
Nursing 311 Communication
Nursing 321 ​Nursing Process
  • Those applying through the LVN-RN Advanced Placement route ​must complete the same pre- and co-requisite courses listed above.
  • Nursing 329A/B, 311, and 321 is offered in Fall semesters only.
  • A current CA LVN license is required.

Other Program Require​ments

Proof of education (choose highest applicable)

  • Graduation from a U.S. accredited high school or equivalent (e.g. GED) OR
    Completion of AA or higher degree from a U.S. accredited college or university
  • Proof shown with official transcripts
  • Copies of diplomas or graduation petitions in progress will not be accepted

Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)​