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ABB 288/AB 288 Holden - California Assembly Bill that codifies the process of designing and implementing dual enrollment agreements between California Community Colleges and local high school districts

Application/Application Process - The process of obtaining both a valid California Community College ID #, and local community College D # needed students to enroll in college classes

Articulation - When the word "articulation" is used in education, it often has different meanings and connotations, depending on the setting. Articulation, for our purposes, refers specifically to course articulation--that is, the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) on a "sending" campus (the LAUSD High School) that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a "receiving" campus (LAHC). Successful completion of an articulated course assures the student and the faculty that the student has taken the appropriate course, received the necessary instruction and preparation, and that similar outcomes can be assured, enabling progression to the next level of instruction at the receiving institution. From the Handbook for California Articulation-Policies and Procedures

College and Career Access Pathways Agreements (CCAP) - As defined in Ed Code and the CA Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO), CCAP refers to specific agreements that are entered into between a community college and its feeder high schools to provide a defined, selection of coursework to a student cohort while the students are enrolled in high schools

Contract Education - College coursework/workshops provided for a fee

Dual Enrollment - Terminology used to identify the process of enrolling students in college coursework while they are still enrolled in middle school/high school.

Feeder Schools - The term used to identify schools in a local school district, i.e. Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), that by formalized, legislated design (The Thompson Bill, Senate Bill 1537; 1994/ The Carter Bill, Assembly Bill 174; 2009) supply a two or four-year school of higher education, i.e. Los Angeles Harbor College and/or California State College Dominguez Hills, with students

FERPA/FERPA Wavier - The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; U.S. Department of Education - Laws & Guidance GENERAL Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. However, these rights transfer to the student when he or she attends a school beyond the high school level and those schools must have written permission from eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record.
In compliance with this FERPA regulation, LAHC includes the FERPA Wavier Form in its Enrollment Paperwork Package to allow the release of specific information - class enrollment information, class rosters, grades awarded - to the middle or high school administration where the student is also enrolled.

K12 Form - A form used by our Admissions and records Office to enroll existing middle school and high school students; all dual enrollment students must complete this form;

Enrollment Paperwork Package - A package of forms needed to enroll into LAHC classes, consisting of K12 form, FERPA Wavier, Photo/Video Wavier, School Verification Form, and Student English & Math Transcripts

Enrollment/Enrollment Process - For dual enrollment students, the process whereby a student completes the enrollment paperwork package, and is placed into an LAHC class and on the class roster

LAHC Application - The on-line application site where a new student completes the application process for an LAHC Id#; completing the OpenCCC Apply process takes the student directly to the LAH application site; the second step in the application process

OpenCCC Apply - The on-line site where a new student starts the application process and secures the CA Community College State Id# necessary to enroll in community college; the first step in the application process

Photo/Video Wavier Form - Part of the enrollment paperwork package, this form allows LAHC to take photos and/or video of classroom interaction

School Verification Form - A form used to confirm the middle school or high school the dual enrollment student is currently attending

Student English & Math Transcripts - The most current middle or high school student transcript which show the students current grade awarded in these subjects; used in the determining student eligibility to enter dual enrollment coursework